Обсуждение: pgAdmin - change of licence


pgAdmin - change of licence

Dave Page
Effective from the 26th February 2009, the pgAdmin Development Team
intend to change the licence of pgAdmin III from the Artistic Licence
v1.0 to the Artistic Licence v2.0

The change of licence is in response to criticism of its wording from
the Free Software Foundation ("too vague; some passages are too clever
for their own good, and their meaning is not clear."), as well as
issues raised during legal proceedings in the US.

The licence change will apply to future releases of pgAdmin III; both
official versions and updates released with PostgreSQL installers.
Existing users may, at their option, use older versions under the
terms of the new licence.

If you have contributed to the pgAdmin III project in the past and
have any questions or objections regarding the intended licence
change, please contact me immediately.

Dave Page
pgAdmin Project Lead