Обсуждение: Sponsorship for Replication


Sponsorship for Replication

Simon Riggs
2ndQuadrant is preparing to work actively on all of the tasks required
to bring various replication features into PostgreSQL 8.4, the next
major release. Designs for the following have been in preparation for
some time, discussed initially at FOSDEM in February.

* Hot Standby - allowing a standby server to run queries
* Logical replication via transaction logs

Both will be integrated with the synchronous/streaming replication
features planned for inclusion in 8.4.

It's a big project and will occupy us for many months, so we're making a
public call for sponsorship out to the user organizations that will
benefit directly, as well as to the usual commercial sponsors. We have
already received signed agreement to sponsor from one company, plus
verbal commitment from two more. That will still leave us well short of
our targets so your help is now essential if full features are to make
it into PostgreSQL 8.4. I expect development to be mostly myself,
following on from my work with PITR and Warm Standby. I also expect to
include other professional developers for detailed code reviews and
testing, funds permitting. All code will be BSD open source, all
development following PostgreSQL community public development process.

* Gold Sponsors ($20,000) will entitle the sponsor to up to 3-days
phone/email access and meetings with the development team up to release,
for direct discussions on requirements, architecture and usage. In
addition, your company logo will be displayed in a sponsor's section on
this page: http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/replication.htm (optional).

* Silver Sponsors ($10,000) will entitle the sponsor to email access to
the development team up to release, for discussions on requirements,
architecture and usage. In addition, your company name will be displayed
in the sponsor's section, as above.

* Bronze Sponsors ($5,000) will be thanked via names on website.

Your firm commitment is required by 12 Aug, 2008 to secure the project.
The work is being run and co-sponsored by 2ndQuadrant.
Donate: paypal ATno-s-p-a-mAT 2ndquadrant.com

2ndQuadrant business will continue as normal during the development
period, though Gabriele Bartolini, myself and certain others will not be
available for new projects during that period.

Thanks for your support.

 Simon Riggs           www.2ndQuadrant.com
 PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support