Обсуждение: PostgreSQL Administration using Navicat


PostgreSQL Administration using Navicat

Simon Riggs
2ndQuadrant is now announcing a new course on PostgreSQL Administration
using the popular Navicat, a powerful administration and development
frontend tool.

This is an important step in increasing the diversity of the PostgreSQL
ecosystem. Navicat is an important tool for both PostgreSQL and MySQL,
so supporting customer's existing tool choices makes co-existence or
conversion/migration to PostgreSQL a cheaper and smoother experience.

PostgreSQL Administration course is also available with pgAdminIII,
giving you the choice of open source software or access to the
additional features of Navicat.

2ndQuadrant supports customer choice and does not resell products.

These new courses now provide a World-leading curriculum of
Administration and Development training courses, with coverage from
introductory topics through to expert-level advanced classes.

Courses are modular, allowing careful customisation for your
organisation. We have good experience training small teams, as well as
providing integrated training schedules covering larger IT departments.

Bookings for on-site courses are now being taken for September onwards.
Courses will be available in English and Italian throughout Europe,
Middle East and Africa. Enquiries for courses in US, Canada and
Australia are also welcome. Worldwide training will be available in

Scheduled courses are now booking in London, with course dates in Italy
announced later this year.

 Simon Riggs           www.2ndQuadrant.com
 PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support