Обсуждение: United States PostgreSQL Association is launched!


United States PostgreSQL Association is launched!

"Selena Deckelmann"
The United States PostgreSQL Association is launched! Our draft
mission can be found at http://www.postgresql.us. We will support
PostgreSQL in the US through user group development, conferences,
education initiatives and fun.

We will be a sister organization to PostgreSQL EU, the Japanese
PostgreSQL User Group, and other international PostgreSQL groups.

The founding members are Joshua Drake, Selena Deckelmann (me) and
Michael Brewer.

Nomination and election of four additional board members will occur at
the upcoming PostgreSQL Conference West, October 2008. General
membership is open to anyone who wants to support the use of
PostgreSQL in the US. The organization is being registered as a
non-profit headquartered in Portland, OR, and we are applying for
501(c)3 status.

We are still working out details, but please watch
http://www.postgresql.us for updates!

Questions, Comments?  We'd love to hear from you.  Please send us a
message at board@postgresql.us.

Selena Deckelmann
United States PostgreSQL Association - http://www.postgresql.us
PDXPUG - http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx
Me - http://www.chesnok.com/daily