Обсуждение: MyJSQLView Version 2.81 Released


MyJSQLView Version 2.81 Released

The MyJSQLView Beta release has been update to Version 2.81.
The release has focused on the implementation of a generic
core for effectuation of additional database support. The
database chosen for the effort was PostgreSQL. MyJSQLView
in this release now supports all the basic features that
it has provided previously with the MySQL database, but
also with PostgreSQL. A new feature added in this release
is the ability to import CSV, comma separated values, into
a table. The ability to manipulate some additional data
types was also added to the release, boolean & bit types.
There were many other areas that the project would of liked
to improved upon, database export & array support for example,
but those and other aspects were not really identified as the
major goals for this release.

MyJSQLView provides an easy to use Java based user interface
frontend for viewing, adding, editing, or deleting entries in
the MySQL & PostgreSQL databases. A query frame allows the
building of complex SELECT SQL statements. The application
allows easy sorting, searching, and import/export of table


MyJSQLView Project Manager
Dana M. Proctor