Обсуждение: The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. adds official Slony support


The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. adds official Slony support

"Joshua D. Drake"
The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. adds official Slony support

Cascade Locks, Oregon -- Command Prompt, Inc., the PostgreSQL company,
today announced that it will add the Slony PostgreSQL replication
software to its list of officially support PostgreSQL projects. Slony is
the leading Open Source replication solution for PostgreSQL.

This is the second PostgreSQL replication engine the company supports,
the first Mammoth Replicator is the only replication engine that is an
integrated solution to the PostgreSQL database.

Joshua Drake, Co-Founder, Command Prompt, Inc. said, "Combining the most
trusted enterprise PostgreSQL support available with the most widely
used Open Source replication solution for PostgreSQL only makes sense
for our customers. As The PostgreSQL Company, it adds value
for us to support not only our own PostgreSQL products but also popular
and mature Open Source PostgreSQL projects."

The company will also be dedicating resources to the Slony project as
two of its employees are already committers on the project.

About Command Prompt, Inc.

Command Prompt, Inc. is the oldest PostgreSQL support company with 10
years of profitable, debt free operation. The core of the company is
made up of known PostgreSQL consultants and developers with over 50% of
its staff, recognized in the community.

For more information on Command Prompt, Inc. see


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