Обсуждение: MicroOLAP Database Designer for PostgreSQL ver.1.1.0 has been released


MicroOLAP Database Designer for PostgreSQL ver.1.1.0 has been released

Pavel Golub

MicroOLAP Technologies company is glad to announce the version 1.1.0  of
the Database Designer for PostgreSQL.


Database Designer for PostgreSQL is an easy CASE tool with intuitive graphical
interface allowing you to build a clear and effective database structure visually,
see the complete picture (diagram) representing all the tables, references between
them, views, stored procedures and other objects. Then you can easily generate a
physical database on a server, modify it according to any changes you made to the
diagram using fast ALTER statements.

What's new:

[+] Color Palette added
[+] Rules support for Views and Tables added
[+] New help system

[-] Reverse Enginnering adopted for latest PostgreSQL server changes
[-] Internal SQL validator improved
[-] "Wrong reverse engeeniring of the table where some columns were previously
    dropped" bug fixed
[-] View SQL parser improved. Wordwrap for long names added.
[-] "Stored routine comments are being generated when Comment option
    is unticked" bug fixed
[-] "BEGIN / END Script didn't executed in Database Creation Wizard"
    error fixed
[-] "Stored Routine Editor" window doesn't remember it's position &
    size" bug fixed
[-] "Changing a field name doesn't update any indexes which work on
    that field accordingly" error fixed
[-] "Always empty Copyright field in the Database Editor" error fixed
[-] "Crash when changing generate order of tables" bug fixed
[-] Several minor bugs fixed

[*] Tab key functionality added to Stored Routine Editor and Rules

Database Designer works under Windows OS family only. Not a freeware.

Best regards,
MicroOLAP Technologies LTD