Обсуждение: Bricolage 1.10.2 "Summer" is Here


Bricolage 1.10.2 "Summer" is Here

David Wheeler
Fellow PostgreSQLers,

    The Bricolage development team is pleased to announce the release of
    Bricolage 1.10.2. This maintenance release adds a number of
    improvements and many bug fixes. Highlights include easier republishing
    of documents from the Find inteface and better-behaving textarea fields
    in Internet Explorer. The most important changes are:


      * The "codeselect" field's Perl code can now return an array of array
      references or a hash reference, in addition to the previous support
      for an even-sized array reference. [David]

      * Added a "Republish" checkbox and corresponding "Publish Checked"
      button to the Story and Media "Find" pages for stories and media not
      currently in workflow and to which the user has PUBLISH permission.
      Based on a patch from Serge Sozonoff. [David]

      * The number of items on a desk can now be displayed next to the
      desk's name in the navigation menu, e.g. "Edit (10)". This feature is
      configurable on a per-user basis via the new "Show Desk Asset Counts"
      preference. Based heavily on a patch from Alex Howarth. [Marshall]

      * Added a close icon to the drag bar of the dialog box. This is
      useful when the dialog box is bigger than the browser window and the
      close button therefore is off-screen. [David]

      * Aliases are now indicated in Find Stories by an arrow icon just
      before the story title. Suggested by Paul Orrock. [David]

      * Added PUBLISH_RELATED_FAIL_BEHAVIOR bricolage.conf directive to be
      used when PUBLISH_RELATED_ASSETS is enabled. If the automatic
      publication of a related story or media document will not be possible
      then the publish request will fail. It can be changed to "warn", the
      previous behaviour, if required. [Paul Orrock]

      * Added the "Remove Frameset" link to the control bar next to the
      "Repreview" link in the preview window. [Paul Orrock]

      * Slightly tweaked the background color on table rows to make them
      easier to read. [Marshall]

      * Object select lists (such as for story element types when creating
      a new story) will now display as scrolling lists if there are more
      than 50 items in the list, rather than 20 or more items. [David]

      * Added a CSS ID to the <body> tag in the UI, of the form
      "bricolage_VHOST_SERVER_NAME", where VHOST_SERVER_NAME is the value
      defined in bricolage.conf. Use this ID when writing user stylesheets
      to override the look of the Bricolage UI (see SkinningBricolage in
      the Wiki) [Marshall]

 Bug Fixes

      * Fixed warnings in deprecated methods of
      Bric::Biz::Element::Container so that they are no longer fatal.
      Reported by Nate Perry-Thistle. [David]

      * Fixed the "Search by Subelement" feature of story search. Thanks to
      Nate Perry-Thistle for the spot. [David]

      * The "Default Field" select list in Bulk Edit works again. Thanks to
      Tom Kjeldsen for uncovering the underlying problem. [David]

      * Fields that use the "codeselect" widget work again. Reported by
      Michael Glaesemann. [David]

      * Fixed the appearance of template diffs. Insertions and deletions
      now have color and no longer show underlines and strikethroughs (bug
      1171). [Marshall]

      * Fixed a bug where search results would get "stuck" when pagination
      is turned on. Thanks to Nate Perry-Thistle for the spot (bug 1166).

      * New users can once again be created when using the LDAP
      authentication engine. Reported by Christian Niles. [David]

      * Using Internet Explorer to create a media document via a the upload
      field in a related media element no longer uses a full Windows file
      system path. Reported by Tom Kjeldsen. [David]

      * Aliases are once again identifiable on desks by a different
      background color for the title, and now also with an arrow icon that
      appears just before the story title. [David]

      * Contributors are no longer sorted by the "Name Format" preference's
      representation of the contributors' names in the interface to edit
      contributor associations. They are now properly sorted by association
      order. Reported by Bret Dawson. [David]

      * The Help and logo popup buttons works again in Internet Explorer.
      Reported by Chris Heiland. [David]

      * Autosizing textarea fields now display full size in Internet
      Explorer when they have no content, instead of only 1 character wide.
      Reported by Paul Orrock. [David]

      * The Bulk Edit and template code textarea fields no longer jump
      around as you type in IE 6. [David]

    For a complete list of the changes in Bricolage 1.10.2, see the changes
    list at
    http://www.bricolage.cc/news/announce/changes/bricolage-1.10.2/. For
    the complete history of ongoing changes in Bricolage, see Bric::Changes
    at http://www.bricolage.cc/docs/current/api/Bric::Changes.

    Download Bricolage 1.10.2 now from the Bricolage Website at
    http://www.bricolage.cc/downloads/, from the SourceForge download page
    at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=34789, or from
    the Kineticode download page at

About Bricolage

    Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management and
    publishing system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use,
    a full-fledged templating system with complete HTML::Mason,
    HTML::Template, PHP5, and Template Toolkit support for flexibility, and
    many other features. It operates in an Apache/mod_perl environment and
    uses the PostgreSQL RDBMS for its repository. A comprehensive,
    actively-developed open source CMS, Bricolage has been hailed by eWEEK
    as "quite possibly the most capable enterprise-class open-source
    application available."


    --The Bricolage Team