Обсуждение: EMS Data Pump 2006 for PostgreSQL ver. 2.1 has been released!


EMS Data Pump 2006 for PostgreSQL ver. 2.1 has been released!

EMS Company is pleased to announce new version of Data Pump 2006 for PostgreSQL - the powerful tool to converting
databasesand importing table data from an ADO-compatible sources to PostgreSQL databases. 

You can download the latest version of Data Pump 2006 for PostgreSQL at:

You can purchase Data Pump 2006 for PostgreSQL at: http://www.sqlmanager.net/products/postgresql/datapump/buy

What's new in Data Pump 2006 version 2.1?

   - Two types of template formats have been implemented: fixed one, that points to the certain list of objects to be
transferred,and dynamic one, that defines only excluded objects; the objects out of this list are to be transferred.
Templatefiles of old format are still supported. 
   - Added the opportunity to connect through SSH tunnel.
   - Added the opportunity to connect through HTTP tunnel.
   - Recreate database option is added to the graphical utility. It allows you to delete an existing database before
creatinga new one. (This option used to be only in the console version before) 
   - The ability to import data using the COPY statement is implemented. It can increase the transfer speed
dramaticallyin some cases. 
   - Now the console version returns the error code (0 - successful termination, 1 - critical error, 2 – non-critical

What is Data Pump 2006 for PostgreSQL?

EMS Data Pump for PostgreSQL is an excellent utility for converting databases and importing table data from an
ADO-compatiblesource (e.g. MS Access, MS SQL database or any other database with ADO support) to PostgreSQL databases.
Easy-to-usewizard application allows you to build the ADO connection string, select tables, fields and indices for
converting,view and edit SQL script for generating target PostgreSQL database and select tables for import. Database
conversionbecomes as easy as possible with PostgreSQL Data Pump! 

We hope you'll enjoy our products.

Thanks for your attention.
EMS Software Development, LLC.