Обсуждение: EMS Data Export 2005 for PostgreSQL ver. 2.2 has been released!


EMS Data Export 2005 for PostgreSQL ver. 2.2 has been released!

"Egor Abramov"
EMS Company is pleased to announce new version of Data Export 2005 for
PostgreSQL - the powerful tool to export your data quickly from PostgreSQL

You can download the latest version of Data Export 2005 for PostgreSQL at:

You can purchase Data Export 2005 for PostgreSQL at:

What's new in Data Export 2005 version 2.2?

1. Added the opportunity to connect through SSH tunnel.

2. Added the opportunity to connect through HTTP tunnel.

3. The "Interpret HTML Tags" option is added to allow replacement of all
special symbols. The symbols <, >, ", & found in exported data (text) will
be replaced with < > " & accordingly.

4. Added the ability to set the template file at the command-line for the
GUI version; Now the list of databases could be sorted.

5. Several improvements in the GUI interface.

6. Fixed the problem with extra delimiter symbols at the end of the header
lines when exporting to CSV format.

7. Fixed the problem with extra delimiter symbols at the end of the record
lines when exporting to Clipboard.

8. Fixed the bug with incorrect loading of SQL queries from template files.

9. Fixed the bug that didn't allow to set the sheet height, scope and width
when exporting to PDF format.

10. Fixed the bug that didn't allow to save the Width and Align property
values to the template file when exporting to PDF format.

11. Fixed the bug that caused the following: when exporting memo type fields
to MS Access, the data length after export always equaled the field length
by adding subsequent spaces, even though the actual data length was shorter.
Due to this the data from such fields could not be edited.

12. Fixed the bug that caused the EOleSysError which often emerged during
export to MS Access when creating a new database file (.mdb).

What is Data Export 2005 for PostgreSQL ?

EMS Data Export for PostgreSQL is a powerful program to export your data
quickly from PostgreSQL databases to any of 15 available formats, including
MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word (RTF), HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, CSV, DBF and
others. Data Export for PostgreSQL includes a wizard, which allows you to
set export options for each table visually (destination filename, exported
fields, data formats, and many others) and a command line utility to export
data from tables and queries in one-touch.

We hope you'll enjoy our products.

Thanks for your attention.
EMS Software Development, LLC.