Обсуждение: Announcing postgresql-sdbc-0.7.1 driver for OpenOffice.org


Announcing postgresql-sdbc-0.7.1 driver for OpenOffice.org

Joerg Budischewski

I'd like to announce the availability of the version 0.7.1 of the native
postgresql driver for OpenOffice.org database API for windows and linux x86.

The driver's homepage can be found here:


Compared to Version 0.7.0, the following things have changed. In case,
the described problems don't affect you, there is no reason to upgrade


* Domain types fully supported ( i63918).
In former versions, the driver could not handle columns with with domain
types ( domain type columns were simply empty within the UI), now they
are fully supported.
* Type content recognition (i61887).
When the postgresql database API does not inform about the type of a
certain column in a resultset, the driver now guesses the type of the
column from content of the first 100 rows within the resultset.
Integers, numerics, date, time and timestamps are guessed. The is useful
e.g. when you drag data into a spreadsheet.
* View renaming/deletion (i61777)
Views can now be renamed or deleted using OOo UI.

About the driver:

The driver allows to directly use the postgresql database from
OpenOffice.org without any other wrapper layer such as odbc or jdbc.
The driver is aimed at the 1.1.x and 2.x OpenOffice.org versions, it
does not work with OOo1.0.x trees. It should work with all postgresql
servers of version 7.3.x and above (including 8.x ).

Have fun,


PS: followups in dev@dba.openoffice.org