Обсуждение: pglog-analyze / script for slow queries analysis


pglog-analyze / script for slow queries analysis

Tomas Vondra
Hello everybody,

   we are a small company doing web-development - mostly over PosgreSQL,
   and as we are wery happy with it we have decided to publish some of
   the tools we have written and that proved to be useful (under GPL).

   The first tool is a PHP script we use to analyze postgres.log, namely
   the slow queries logged there. We've seen PQA and several other
   tools, but none of them had the features we demanded, so we wrote
   it ourselves. It builds a HTML report with charts by various criteria
   (average, median, worst case, ...), details of individual queries,
   various kinds of graphs (by hour, by type, by hour, etc.).

   You can find it here (along with some screenshots etc.)


   It's the first revision of the first project we publish, but we hope
   everything will go smoothly. If you'll find some bug or if you have
   some feature you'd like to have in there, let us know. Just write an
   e-mail directly to me, as I'm responsible for OS projects, and I'll
   try to fix that.

   Tomas Vondra
   Pears Health Cyber Ltd.


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 to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.