Обсуждение: ANN: PostgresDAC version 2.2.1 is available


ANN: PostgresDAC version 2.2.1 is available

Maxim Peresada

The new version of PostgresDAC 2.2.1 has been released.

PostgresDAC is the powerful component suite for Delphi/C++Builder and PostgreSQL 7.x, 8.x/Pervasive Postgres. It allows
youto create 
Delphi/C++Builder applications with direct access to PostgreSQL/Pervasive Postgres DB without BDE and ODBC.

Top reasons to use PostgresDAC:

- PostgresDAC is a royalty-free product;
- 100% native Delphi code;
- support of Delphi 2005 (Win32 edition), 5-7, C++Builder 5-6 and PostgreSQL 7.x, 8.x;
- only 300-400 Kb are added to your .exe file;
- full compatibility with all the existing data-aware controls and report designers;
- full support of the BLOB fields;
- TDBImageEx component for JPEG images support included in the package for free (with sources);
- detailed help system and a lot of various demo applications;
- and much more.

What's new in version 2.2.1:

[+] TPSQLMonitor now provides info about operation time
[-] TPSQLUpdateSQL errror on deleting fixed
[*] Queries are sent to server as is, with all comments etc.
[+] TPSQLUpdateSQL.OnRecordChangeComplete event added
[+] TPSQLDatabase.CommandTimeout property added
[*] TPSQLDatabase.Charset value now is stored in resources, and can be changed in Database inactive state. On
connectionto db it automatically sets charset on server. 
[-] Wrong large objects OID handling improved.
[*] Native Postgres types handling improved (aclitem, arrays etc.)
[-] "TPSQLUpdateSQL can not perform operations on NULL values" fixed
[-] "TPSQLUpdateSQL can not perform actions on DEFAULT values" fixed
[-] "TPSQLUpdateSQL: modified row is not up to date" fixed
[*] "Memo (Postgres TEXT or varchar without length) fields unescaped" fixed.

For more information about PostgresDAC visit

Direct link to download trial version:

Also available as part of bundle with "Interactive SQL for PostgreSQL".

Discounts for Educational, Academic and Medical organizations are available (please contact sales@microolap.com for

The registered users with the active subscription can download it from
personal area at Microolap's web site.

Thank you for your time!

Best regards
Maxim Peresada
Microolap Technologies Ltd               http://www.microolap.com
Torry's Delphi Pages                     http://www.torry.net