Обсуждение: ANN: PostgresDAC version 2.1.0 is available


ANN: PostgresDAC version 2.1.0 is available

Maxim Peresada

Microolap Technologies Ltd is proud to announce availability of
PostgresDAC 2.1.0, powerful component suite for Delphi/C++Builder and
PostgreSQL 7.x, 8.x/Pervasive Postgres. It allows you to create
Delphi/C++Builder applications with direct access to
PostgreSQL/Pervasive Postgres DB without BDE and ODBC.

Top reasons to use PostgresDAC 2.0:

- PostgresDAC is a royalty-free product;
- 100% native Delphi code;
- support of Delphi 2005 (Win32 edition), 5-7, C++Builder 5-6 and PostgreSQL 7.x, 8.x;
- only 300-400 Kb are added to your .exe file;
- full compatibility with all the existing data-aware controls and report designers;
- full support of the BLOB fields;
- TDBImageEx component for JPEG images support included in the package
for free (with sources);
- detailed help system and a lot of various demo applications;
- and much more.

What's new in version 2.1.0:

[+] Ability to work with bytea fields like with blobs
[+] TPSQLUser component
[+] TPSQLDatabase.GetUserList method
[+] TPSQLDatabase.GetSchemaList method
[+] TPSQLDatabase.GetTablespace method

[+] TPSQLQuery properties:
    * property ByteaAsEscString: boolean
    * property OIDAsInt: boolean

[+] TPSQLTable properties:
    * property Owner: string
    * property HasOIDs: boolean
    * property Tablespace: string
    * property TableID: integer
    * property Comment: string
    * property Offset: integeer
    * property ByteaAsEscString: boolean
    * property OIDAsInt: boolean

[+] TPSQLDatabase:
    * property Owner: string
    * property IsTemplate: boolean
    * property Tablespace: string
    * property DatabaseID: integer
    * property Comment: string
    * property TransactionStatus: TTransactionStatusType

For more information about PostgresDAC visit

Direct link to download trial version:

Also available as part of bundle with "Interactive SQL for

Discounts for Educational, Academic and Medical organizations are
available (please contact sales@microolap.com for additional

Thank you for your time!

Best regards
Maxim Peresada
Microolap Technologies Ltd               http://www.microolap.com
Torry's Delphi Pages                     http://www.torry.net