Обсуждение: PostgreSQL Weekly News - July 9th 2003


PostgreSQL Weekly News - July 9th 2003

Robert Treat
== PostgreSQL Weekly News - July 9th 2003 ==

    With the code in feature freeze and several members of the PostgreSQL
community attending OSCon this week it has been a relatively quiet week
for core development.  Some folks are using this time to take a little
break from development, others are using it as a chance to work on some
of the other projects that revolve around PostgreSQL.

    Compared to the marathon miscellaneous fix lists of the last several
weeks, this weeks list will seem rather timid, but we are in feature
freeze after all. A recently introduced bug with numeric to integer
conversions was fixed, missing code for HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP was added,
final review of the UPDATE tab SET col = DEFAULT patch was completed,
transformation and preprocessing of the LIMIT/OFFSET clauses was
improoved, a USERLIMIT GUC source level was added to provide a better
method of making option super-user only rather than making them SUSET,
some special checks for non-super-user setting
LOG_MIN_DURATION_STATEMENT to zero, and error messages for
operator-not-found and function-not-found now distinguish between
no-match and ambiguous match.

    Ecpg continues to remain fairly active, this week saw fixes including a
fix for informix behavior for select without into, proper quoting of
date, interval, and timestamp data, fixing the way char[] is treated,
and a few other informix fixes.

    The website crew has been working on ironing out some issues with
website mirroring.  One such fix is the resolution mirror registration
problems, anyone who is not currently mirroring either the ftp or web
sites who would like to are encouraged to email
webmaster@postgresql.org. Another item that is almost complete is
mirroring of the docs; a solution is currently being implemented so you
should expect that to show up relatively soon. The final steps for
moving advocacy.postgresql.org to a new VM are taking place this week,
once that is completed we should also have a new translation available
for you. And speaking of translations, we have a new sister site for our
German community, www.postgresql.de.

    Special mention goes out for the long awaited release of phpPgAdmin
3.0. For those not familiar with it phpPgAdmin is a web based database
administration tool. Version 3.0 is a complete rewrite, making the code
much more extensible. It currently supports PostgbreSQL version 7.0 and
higher, including 7.4cvs, and is available at

    PgAdmin III, a cross-platform C++ based GUI for administering
databases, is also nearing a release. The software is currently
available in Alpha quality state for testing, and should be released
along side PostgreSQL 7.4. If you are interested in helping out, check
out pgadmin.postgresql.org.

== PostgreSQL Product News ==

PostgreSQL Manager for Linux 1.2 released

== PostgreSQL In the News ==

phpPgAdmin 3.0 Released!

== Upcoming Events ==

Open Source Conference: Portland, Oregon: July 7-11
A PostgreSQL track is available this year

LinuxTag: Karlsruhe Convention Center, Germany: July 10-12
A PostgreSQL Talk will be given on July 12th

PostgreSQL training at Big Nerd Ranch : Atlanta, Georgia: August 18-22
Bruce Momjian will provide a one week training class.

Gnu/Linux Congress: Veracruz, Mexico: September 17-19
Bruce Momjian has been asked to give a keynote address and he will also
be presenting various tutorials.

== PostgreSQL Weekly News - July 9th 2003 ==
Don't forget to read Elein Mustain's Weekly Summary of the PostgreSQL
General Mailing List http://www.varlena.com/GeneralBits/

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