Обсуждение: Business use case whitepaper: would like to expand


Business use case whitepaper: would like to expand

Chris Travers
In the press kit git repo there is a whitepaper, about 7 years old, which basically makes the case for converting to PostgreSQL.  It was originally written by Gavin Sherry and Liam O’Duibhir.  I would be interested in revisiting it and polishing it up a bit (it is incomplete in many areas), but I would also be interested in changing the message slightly.

The primary message right now is that PostgreSQL is a low-cost RDBMS and it touches on questions like support and the like.

I would like to re-organize and expand what we have, changing the message slightly from "we are an inexpensive alternative" to "we are a better alternative."

To the extent I cover license fees, I would like to frame it as "you aren't paying someone to restrict what you can do with the software" or "you aren't paying someone to tell you 'You can't do that!'"

I would like to reposition PostgreSQL in the whitepaper as a highly programmable database, "owned" by everyone (in the sense that everyone can build whatever they want to with it), supported by many, and with the features to take one's business wherever one goes.

Are there any initial thoughts on this basic approach?  After initial discussions I would expect to begin other conversations about specific sections.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers