Обсуждение: Will PostgreSQL have a booth at MYGOSSCON?


Will PostgreSQL have a booth at MYGOSSCON?

Chris Travers
Hi all;

I have received an invitation to present LedgerSMB at the Malaysian
Government Open Source Convention (MYGOSSCON).  If that invitation
pans out, I plan to attend.

Does PostgreSQL maintain a booth at this convention?   If so, I might
be able to spend time manning it.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

Re: Will PostgreSQL have a booth at MYGOSSCON?

Joshua Berkus

> I have received an invitation to present LedgerSMB at the Malaysian
> Government Open Source Convention (MYGOSSCON).  If that invitation
> pans out, I plan to attend.
> Does PostgreSQL maintain a booth at this convention?   If so, I might
> be able to spend time manning it.


Oddly enough, we (PGX) didn't get an invitation to the conference, even though we have clients there.  When is it this

Anyway, failing all else, I can connect you with the PG and OSDB people in MY.


Re: Will PostgreSQL have a booth at MYGOSSCON?

Chris Travers
On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Joshua Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com> wrote:
> Chris,
>> I have received an invitation to present LedgerSMB at the Malaysian
>> Government Open Source Convention (MYGOSSCON).  If that invitation
>> pans out, I plan to attend.
>> Does PostgreSQL maintain a booth at this convention?   If so, I might
>> be able to spend time manning it.
> No.
> Oddly enough, we (PGX) didn't get an invitation to the conference, even though we have clients there.  When is it

I don't have exact dates yet.  First week of November though.

From the web site, I guess the conference seems to be planned in a
sort of last-minute way.

> Anyway, failing all else, I can connect you with the PG and OSDB people in MY.

That would be great.  Also if there is interest I might be willing to
spring for part of the expenses of a booth, but there is no way I can
man it by myself to their requirements (they require two people in
business attire at the booth at all times, and if all goes well, I
will be giving presentations part of the time).

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers