Обсуждение: NLUUG 2011 - Call for talks


NLUUG 2011 - Call for talks

Pieter-Paul Spiertz
During FOSDEM last weekend, a volunteer at the PostgreSQL stand
referred me to this mailinglist. Together with a few people, I'll
organize this spring's NLUUG conference in The Netherlands, where we
would like to cover the release of PostgreSQL 9 by having some talk.
This could also be about an interesting implementation or about a
high-profile PostgreSQL project. Several people in this region are
doing cool things with it, I was told; maybe someone would like to do
a talk about it? Should I ask someone in particular?
http://www.nluug.nl/events/vj11/cfp-en.html (ignore the deadline
submission date for now)

Some context: NLUUG started out in 1983 as the Dutch Unix Users Group
is the association of professional users of open source and open
systems in The Netherlands. The conference - which will be held in May
- will be themed 'open and efficiently' as an umbrella for topics
about open standards and open source in general. Usually, the audience
consists of sysadmins, coders and more technically educated people.
Talks are about 45 minutes.

Best regards,

Pieter-Paul Spiertz
NLUUG Board/AT Computing