Обсуждение: About visibility on the website and products.


About visibility on the website and products.

Jussi Mikkola

Bruce said that nobody liked the idea of more adds. But I actually do. I just think it should be planned.

Okay, the discussion has got a bit wild, and maybe a bit off track. But when people feel strongly about how PostgreSQL
isseen on the website, adds, installers, whatever, it means that PostgreSQL is important for them. Maybe because of
business,maybe, because they have put a lot of thought and time into it. But it is important to many, and that is a

Now, on advocacy, I think we have tried to find sources that give support. And companies that have good stories to
tell.Something to make PostgreSQL look better. In my opinion, we need to show that there are several companies giving
supportto PostgreSQL and that if you choose PostgreSQL, you have several options and you can choose the one you like.  

If postgresql.org site is very clean, no adds ,no companies, how does it show the wide support? In my opinion, it does
not.And that is why we ask for stories. Why don't we then give space for those stories for companies that are
supportingthe community? Why not a success story about EDB and why they are supporting PostgreSQL? Okay, we need to
havea story about Command Promt too. Is that an issue? We just need to see how to make it so that it is fare. 20 more
companies?Why not? 

Why not make a story of the new PostgreSQL supporter of the month?

Of course this is also about the question, that who do we want that uses PostgreSQL? Do we want that it's used by
individuals,people that want to store their food recipes? Or would we be happier with websites, ERP, locational
servicesor something else?  I don't know. But I looked at EDB website, and to me, it seemed they are smaller than
Oracle.I looked at Command Promt, and I think they are smaller than Oracle too. In my opinion, if many of the
PostgreSQLcompanies want to grow, it's not a competition between other companies that support PostgeSQL. It's the
competitionwith other companies supporting other databases.  

How do we get more companies to support PostgreSQL and to add value to it? In my opinion, we can help that by giving
themmore visibility. And, as I see it, it can be that one company gives resources to do new functionality, another
mightgive money for hosting, or marketing, new adds, etc. Why not give them some credit about it?  

And yes, giving credit would mean that we should have some guidelines, how that is done. What are the places, that the
adds/storiesetc. can be seen and who is seen and where? And who can decide about it? And with this I don't mean that
it'scurrently made wrong. I just think that if it is increased, then it should be very clear, who does the decision and
whatis it based of. Since when people know how it is done, then they also can ask for changes. 



Re: About visibility on the website and products.

Peter Eisentraut
On Saturday 11 July 2009 01:44:37 Jussi Mikkola wrote:
> Why not make a story of the new PostgreSQL supporter of the month?

The front page has a "Featured User", which appears to be pretty close to what
you describe, AFAIU.