Обсуждение: Start-Up of the European Group


Start-Up of the European Group

Gabriele Bartolini
Hi guys,

   sorry but these days have been hectic on my side (not just work,
however). I guess it is time to start a concrete and productive
discussion on how to set a European Group of PostgreSQL users. I have
gathered some information, thanks to the contacts I have made within the
Open Source Working Group of the Italian Government which I am involved in.

   I have perceived a diffused interest on this topic from almost every
PG developer/user that is participating to the list. Also, the fact that
PGDay 2007 already has a few people registered from European countries,
is an important sign.

   Anyway, I believe that it would be good to dedicate a private mailing
list on this topic for gathering ideas and contributions and, at the
same time, have a web space (maybe a wiki, as Federico suggested) where
to report the decisions and the drafts that are taken by the group for
its official start up.

   As I said, I already have an idea on the nature of the organisation
(legally recognised in every country of the EU), however, I prefer to
discuss it with everyone. It goes without saying that, should we decided
to start such a thing, it is going to be a real commitment for the
participants. I am not afraid of that, but it must be a group of
responsible people willing to dedicate time and efforts on this cause. :)


Gabriele Bartolini: Web Programmer, IWA/HWG Member
Current Location: Prato, Tuscany, Italy
gabriele.bartolini@gmail.com | www.gabrielebartolini.it
"If I had been born ugly, you would never have heard of Pelé", George Best

Re: Start-Up of the European Group

Oleg Bartunov

it's nice to see your initiative. I'd like to participate in
PG Europe. Actually, I have some proposals about PG Europe and it'd
be nice to meet in PgDay to discuss.

On Sat, 21 Apr 2007, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:

> Hi guys,
>  sorry but these days have been hectic on my side (not just work, however).
> I guess it is time to start a concrete and productive discussion on how to
> set a European Group of PostgreSQL users. I have gathered some information,
> thanks to the contacts I have made within the Open Source Working Group of
> the Italian Government which I am involved in.
>  I have perceived a diffused interest on this topic from almost every PG
> developer/user that is participating to the list. Also, the fact that PGDay
> 2007 already has a few people registered from European countries, is an
> important sign.
>  Anyway, I believe that it would be good to dedicate a private mailing list
> on this topic for gathering ideas and contributions and, at the same time,
> have a web space (maybe a wiki, as Federico suggested) where to report the
> decisions and the drafts that are taken by the group for its official start
> up.
>  As I said, I already have an idea on the nature of the organisation
> (legally recognised in every country of the EU), however, I prefer to discuss
> it with everyone. It goes without saying that, should we decided to start
> such a thing, it is going to be a real commitment for the participants. I am
> not afraid of that, but it must be a group of responsible people willing to
> dedicate time and efforts on this cause. :)
> Ciao,
> Gabriele

Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (www.astronet.ru),
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
Internet: oleg@sai.msu.su, http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83

Re: Start-Up of the European Group

Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum
Hello all,

On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 09:56:13 +0200
Gabriele Bartolini <gabriele.bartolini@gmail.com> wrote:

>    Anyway, I believe that it would be good to dedicate a private mailing
> list on this topic for gathering ideas and contributions and, at the
> same time, have a web space (maybe a wiki, as Federico suggested) where
> to report the decisions and the drafts that are taken by the group for
> its official start up.

question is: should the list hosted at postgresql.org?
If not, i just got: pgug.eu (content needed), we can use the domain for this purpose, a mailman is already running on

Name proposals?

Kind regards

                Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum
Deutsche PostgreSQL Usergroup: http://www.pgug.de
DPWN: http://ads.wars-nicht.de/blog/categories/18-PWN