Обсуждение: Europython 2006


Europython 2006

"Harald Armin Massa"

from 3rd to 7th of July the EuroPython 2006 will happen in CERN,
Switzerland. All information can be found on www.europython.org; I do
some of the organization stuff and work with a track chair. Last year
we had around 250 participants; as of tody we have allready 132
registerd attendees for this years conference - and early bird will
just end tomorrow.

I also have submitted a talk "Python and PostgreSQL - a match made in
heaven", where I will demonstrate using PostreSQL with Python and
Python with PostgreSQL.

It can surely be arranged to have more information about PostgreSQL on
that conference; something like distributing brochures or having a
small booth on the trade show. I myself will be engaged in a lot of
matters of the conference and so not be able to do more for my
favourite database.

Thatfor I am adressing this mailinglist and for a starter "pass on"
the invitation letter to the last years particpants:

In 2006, EuroPython will be from the 3rd to the 5th of July at CERN,
near Geneva in Switzerland.

You are heartly invited to register for EuroPython 2006 via the website

The "normal fee" is 190€ for three days of seminars and a fine
conference dinner.

And you still have up to the 26th of May -- thats more then 24hours! --
to enjoy the Early Bird rate of 120€ - so do not hesitate :)
Please see our website for discounts for students.

In addition to our great conference, you have the possibility to visit
CERN! Maybe you read about it in Angel & Demons ("Illuminati" in German)
from Dan Brown; maybe you know that Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the
World Wide Web there.

You will have the chance to eat in canteens with the highest
probability anywhere in the world to stand in queue with a future or
past Nobel Prize Winner. You can learn about the technologies that
will power Web 2.5 and above at the place where Web 0.1 up to Web 1.0
were developed.

CERN says about itself:  "The world's largest particle physics
laboratory ... where the web was born!". As a German you are
culturally obligued to go the place where they try to find out "was
die Welt / in ihrem innersten zusammenhält". (So that I may perceive
whatever holds / The world together in its inmost folds (Faust I)) -
learn about that place at www.cern.ch

So, do not hesitate any further: go to www.europython.org and
register. Any questions? Do not hesitate to ask.

Best wishes and looking forward to see you at
EuroPython 2006, from 2006-07-03 up to 2006-07-05
in CERN, Switzerland

on behalf EuroPython 2006

Harald Armin Massa

Re: Europython 2006

Anastasios Hatzis
Harald Armin Massa wrote:
> I also have submitted a talk "Python and PostgreSQL - a match made in
> heaven", where I will demonstrate using PostreSQL with Python and
> Python with PostgreSQL.
"a match made in heaven", yes, that's right. Working for more than three
years with both, Python and PostgreSQL, and I'm very very happy,
although integration is not easy. I'm too sad that I can't participate
and listen to the talk, sounds interesting to me. Nevertheless, good luck!
