Обсуждение: Advocate PostgreSQL in France : next booths


Advocate PostgreSQL in France : next booths

Jean-Paul Argudo
Hi all,

As you may know now for a while, we doing all we can to advocate PostgreSQL in
France since a year and half now, by our own.

We have now some relashionship to knock the right door to be present in all
exhibits were we can plant a booth.

We're very happy in doing so. All visitors seems pleased to talk with us and
exchange experiences about PostgreSQL. We are too. We like to feel visitors
every time more and more interested in PostgreSQL. In parallel, we feel people
have each exhibit more and more knowledge... He hope to be a little part of
that success.

For the next biggest Open Source event in France (Solutions Linux feb 2006), we
would like to do something even bigger and brighter. We have all the people to
do it well, but now, with the few money we have in our non-profit organization
we encounters problems having the booth we would like to have.

Gavin will be with us during the 3 days of this expo, we would like to have the
booth PostgreSQL and Gavin deserve. Then, what would be great is having:

 - a banner, something like 2 meters x 1 meter long. I've already saw pictures
   of such banner in PostgreSQL booths worldwide

 - some tshirts to give away / sell : some 40 or 50 ones. You send us the
   tshirts, we will sell it the price you want, taking one or two euros fee
   to help our non-profit organization expenses (since the beggining, every
   single stuff has been payed by volunteers of this organization), and giving
   back the money to the project.

 - everything else we could give away to visitors:
   - buttons (pins, ..)
   - stickers
   - what you'll have :)

That's all.. Mostly every booth volunteer has his PG TShirt yet.

We will then have the visibility we need to accomplish our advocacy better.

All the rest is okay: people around here have strong knowledge of PostgreSQL,
wand we have all materials to be even better (reading docs, sources, doing some
tests and learning...)

The very next exhibit is a small one, 10th december 2005. We will be 2 or 3
there it will only last 1 day. There will be about a thousand visitors, but not
much more. Compared to the 12.000 visitors Solutions Linux has, its a small

For demonstration proposals, I've contacted idx-tsunami
(http://www.idealx.org/prj/idx-tsunami/index.en.html) coder. The idea is to have
tsunami working directly with PostgreSQL. That requires an erlang PostgreSQL
connector. I hope he will code it soon. What we want is that tool to test
real world scenarios, to show visitors how PostgreSQL does good.

The "nec plus ultra" would be a live interface showing realtime statistics on
a PostgreSQL professional solution (let's say a pgpool with 2 big databases
replicating with Slony-I), loaded with Tsunami in real time... That is the demo
I want to build for our exhibits..

Every comment welcome,

Jean-Paul ARGUDO
Trésorier de PostgreSQLFr
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