Обсуждение: JDLL Lyon 14 & 15 oct : we were there


JDLL Lyon 14 & 15 oct : we were there

Jean-Paul Argudo
Hi all,

Last 14 and 15 of october, we were at the "Les VIIèmes Journées du Logiciel
Libre" (the 7th Free Software days) in Lyon, France. (Website (fr only):

We were 3 of the PostgreSQLFr non profit organization there
(www.PostgreSQLFr.org) in a booth (a table and 3 chairs):
 - Thomas Silvi
 - Guillaume Lelarge
 - me

Here are some pictures of that event:


It's easy to find us on the pictures, we were wearing beautyfull blue elephants
on our tshirts (thanks to those (Josh, Elein..) who sent us TShirts in early
2005 for Solution Linux Paris Feb 2005, where Jan came).

What to say?

- as always, we were asked for MySQL and PostgreSQL comparison, its a classic
  now for us to talk about that. We were saying more than "It's All About What
  You Need" (http://www.devx.com/dbzone/Article/20743/1954?pf=true) because we
  hardly think PostgreSQL can handle now every usecase. We do break hard the
  stereotype where "PostgreSQL is as difficult to handle than Oracle" or its
  corollar "PostgreSQL is much more difficult to install and administer than
  MySQL", etc.

- Lots of people are anoyed about Oracle/InnoDB/MySQL affair. Some professional
  there told us that will be a definitive argument to migrate to MySQL. Most of
  them migrated to Open Source databases to be free, and it seems they want to
  stay free, what we understand.

- we were asked too about comparison between RDBMS, so I've begin to write an
  article we will publish on www.PostgreSQLFr.org that is a review of all
  existing articles on the web on that particular topic you can see a preview
  of that document here : http://www.argudo.org/comparaisons_sgbdr.html
  I'm still working on it. Its a ReST text source I convert to LaTeX/PDF or HTML
  using rest2tex and rest2html (use ReST, it's awesome).

- we were asked about "what PostgreSQL do not do yet". Its easy to answer,
  thanks to Bruce's work on the TODOLIST ;-)

What's new

- Given our efforts on the website to advocate and explain PostgreSQL to the
  common mortal, we are each time surprised of the technical skills visitor
  have. He hope to be a part of that success... Some knows already here, we
  have more and more hits each month. Just some stats on PostgreSQLFr.org:

    Month     Diff visitors     Visits     Pages      Hits         Bandwith
    Apr         6026      17769      35691       74830      1.07 Go
    May         6633      23136      56360      100206      1.25 Go
    June         6782      22883      61676      107817      1.31 Go
    July         6252      26508      67486      108477      1.32 Go
    Aug         5750      15636      37053       84341      895.73 Mo
    Sep         7267      18759      47759      226336      1.35 Go
    Oct         5561      13019      33491      161956      1021.20 Mo

  We can see Sep has double hits than May->July period had, and that October
  will confirm the 200K hits..

  As a matter of comparison, we had about ~50K hits monthly during second half
  of 2004.

- Some people are more and more interested in PostGIS. Its a good thing David
  Techer open that website for french speaking countries (www.PostGIS.fr). We
  did some advertising for him ;-)

- seems for professional the architecture based on pgpool+SLony-I with a www
  front running pgpool and 2 servers running PostgreSQL is becoming a standard
  for them, giving them a serious infrastructure for their needs.

What was BAAAAD

- Too many people are disapointed we haven't got anything to sell at the expo..

  There were Mozilla foundation guys giving away stickers, OpenOffice selling
  tshirts, Debian guys the same... GnomeFr had a prototype of a new NOKIA
  internet tablet running under linux with a Gnome environment on it...

  We are kind of naked at each expo... If someone here can give us any
  goodies to distribute here that would really be a plus for us.

  As an example, all material (except TShirt for our staff) are bought or made
  at home on our own (A3 posters, business cards with website's url, A5 flyiers, A4
  printed articles, A5 PostgreSQL cheat sheet, etc.)

  Once again, please, a little support from you would be really cool.

  We can sell TShirts for you, and send back the money to PostgreSQL Global dev,
  we'll take only 1 or 2 euros fee per tshirt, just to have our non profit
  organization wealthy (we have today about 300 Euros of cash, we will buy a
  plastic PostgreSQL banner with that, not much more. All that money came from
  our members).

About 30 different visitors came on the booth with questions, about 200 took
some printed papers without questions. The whole exhibit had about 1000 to 1500
visitors on the whole 2 days (yes, its a local stuff, not national as SOlutions
Linux is).

Thanks a lot for reading this hudge mail.


Jean-Paul ARGUDO
Trésorier de PostgreSQLFr
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