Обсуждение: Serbian translation?


Serbian translation?

Dragan Matic
Is there an ongoing site serbian translation on project? If it is, who
is the main contact? If it is not, I would be willing to start it, as
soon I get back from vacacion on Aug 1st. I might also be willing to
start some Postgres advertising here in Serbia (we are using it in our
firm form over a year now and we're completely satisfied with it), and I
might need some hints on how to do it... Tnx in advance.

Dragan Matic

Re: Serbian translation?

Robert Treat
On Sun, 2003-07-20 at 18:06, Dragan Matic wrote:
> Is there an ongoing site serbian translation on project? If it is, who
> is the main contact? If it is not, I would be willing to start it, as
> soon I get back from vacacion on Aug 1st. I might also be willing to
> start some Postgres advertising here in Serbia (we are using it in our
> firm form over a year now and we're completely satisfied with it), and I
> might need some hints on how to do it... Tnx in advance.
> Dragan Matic
> gekko@eunet.yu

As far as I know there is no such effort underway. Here are the three
biggest steps to making a new translation:

1)translate the back end files: these are .po files in the source code,
I think there are about 6

2)translate the FAQ:  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs/FAQ.html

3)translate the advocacy site: advocacy.postgresql.org

of course, projects like pgAdmin and phpPgAdmin are always looking for
new translations as well, and we like to list "points of contact" for a
given language if you're interested in that.

if you have any questions just ask.

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL