Обсуждение: PostgreSQL Tuning Results


PostgreSQL Tuning Results

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
Hi Everyone,

I have just completed a basic set of benchmarking on our new database
server.  I wanted to figure out a good value for shared_buffers before we go

We are a busy ecommerce-style website and so we probably get 10 or 20 to 1
read transactions vs. write transactions.  We also don't have particularly
large tables.

Attached are the charts for select only and tpc-b runs.  Also attached is an
OpenOffice.org spreadsheet with all the results, averages and charts.  I
place all these attachments in the public domain, so you guys can use them
how you wish.

I installed pgbench, and set up a pgbench database with scale factor 1.

I then set shared_buffers to all the values between 2000 and 11000 and
tested select and tcp-b with each.  I ran each test 3 times and averaged the
values.  TPC-B was run after select so had advantages due to the buffers
already being filled, but I was consistent with this.

256MB RAM, FreeBSD 4.7, EIDE HDD, > 1 Ghz

TPC-B config:
pgbench -c 64 -t 100 pgbench (Note: only 64 users here)

SELECT config:
pgbench -c 128 -t 100 -S pgbench (Note: full 128 users here)

I'm not sure why 8000 and 9000 are low on tpc-b, it's odd.

Anyway, from the attached results you can see that 4000 buffers gave the
best SELECT only performance, whereas the TPC-B stuff seemed to max out way
up at 10000 or so.  Since there is a 20% gain in performance on TPC-B going
from 4000 buffers to 5000 buffers and only a 2% loss in performance for
SELECTs, I have configured my server to use 5000 shared buffers, eg. 45MB

I am now going to leave it on 5000 and play with wal_buffers.  Is there
anything else people are interested in me trying?

Later on, I'll run pg_autotune to see how its recommendation matches my



Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Tuning Results

Gavin Sherry
Hi Chris,

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

> Machine:
> 256MB RAM, FreeBSD 4.7, EIDE HDD, > 1 Ghz

Seems like a small amount of memory to be memory based tests with.

What about testing sort_mem as well. It would system to me that there
would be no negative to having infinite sort_mem given infinite memory,


Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Tuning Results

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
> > Machine:
> > 256MB RAM, FreeBSD 4.7, EIDE HDD, > 1 Ghz
> Seems like a small amount of memory to be memory based tests with.

Perhaps, but I'm benchmarking for that machine, not for any other.  The
results have to include the 256MB spec.

Also, the peak was 25MB of SHM, which still leave 231MB for the rest of the
system, so surely RAM is not the bottleneck here?

> What about testing sort_mem as well. It would system to me that there
> would be no negative to having infinite sort_mem given infinite memory,
> though.

Yeah, however I'm pretty sure that pgbench doesn't perform any sorts.

I reckon that sort_mem is the hardest thing to optimise1


Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Tuning Results

Hans-Jürgen Schönig
Gavin Sherry wrote:

>Hi Chris,
>On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
>>256MB RAM, FreeBSD 4.7, EIDE HDD, > 1 Ghz
>Seems like a small amount of memory to be memory based tests with.
>What about testing sort_mem as well. It would system to me that there
>would be no negative to having infinite sort_mem given infinite memory,
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Be careful with sort_mem - this might lead to VERY unexpected results. I
did some testing on my good old Athlon 500 with a brand new IBM 120 Gigs
HDD. Reducing the sort_mem gave me significantly faster results when
sorting/indexing 20.000.000 randon rows.
However, it would be nice to see the results of concurrent sorts.


*Cybertec Geschwinde u Schoenig*
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Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Tuning Results

Curt Sampson
On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, [ISO-8859-1] Hans-J\xFCrgen Sch\xF6nig wrote:

> Be careful with sort_mem - this might lead to VERY unexpected results. I
> did some testing on my good old Athlon 500 with a brand new IBM 120 Gigs
> HDD. Reducing the sort_mem gave me significantly faster results when
> sorting/indexing 20.000.000 randon rows.

Actually, the results are completely expected once you know what's
exactly is going on. I found it weird that my sorts were also slowing
down with more sort memory until Tom or Bruce or someone pointed out to
me that my stats said my sorts were swapping.

If I'm understanding this correctly, this basically meant that my sort
results would start hitting disk becuase they were being paged out to
swap space, but then once the block was sorted, it would be read in
again from disk, and then written out to disk again (in a different
place), creating a lot more I/O than was really necessary.

This strikes me, too, as another area where mmap might allow the system
to do a better job with less tuning. Basically, the sort is getting
split into a bunch of smaller chunks, each of which is individually
sorted, and then you merge at the end, right? So if all those individual
chunks were mmaped, the system could deal with paging them out if and
when necessary, and for the sorts you do before the merge, you could
mlock() the area that you're currently sorting to make sure that it
doesn't thrash.

If the VM system accepts hints, you might also get some further
optimizations because you can tell it (using madvise()) when you're
doing random versus sequential access on a chunk of memory.

Curt Sampson  <cjs@cynic.net>   +81 90 7737 2974   http://www.netbsd.org
    Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light.  --XTC

Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Tuning Results

Hans-Ju"rgen Scho"nig
>Actually, the results are completely expected once you know what's
>exactly is going on. I found it weird that my sorts were also slowing
>down with more sort memory until Tom or Bruce or someone pointed out to
>me that my stats said my sorts were swapping.

this way my first expectation but since the machine was newly booted and
had 1/2 gig of ram (nothing running but PostgreSQL) I couldn't believe
in that theory ...
Maybe but I couldn't verify that ...
Of course swapping is worse than anything else.

>This strikes me, too, as another area where mmap might allow the system
>to do a better job with less tuning. Basically, the sort is getting
>split into a bunch of smaller chunks, each of which is individually
>sorted, and then you merge at the end, right? So if all those individual
>chunks were mmaped, the system could deal with paging them out if and
>when necessary, and for the sorts you do before the merge, you could
>mlock() the area that you're currently sorting to make sure that it
>doesn't thrash.

As far as I have seen in the source code they use Knuth's tape
algorithm. It is based on dividing, sorting, and merging together.

>If the VM system accepts hints, you might also get some further
>optimizations because you can tell it (using madvise()) when you're
>doing random versus sequential access on a chunk of memory.

it is an interesting topic. the result of the benchmark is very clock
speed depedent (at least in case my of my data structure).


Cybertec Geschwinde &. Schoenig
Ludo-Hartmannplatz 1/14; A-1160 Wien
Tel.: +43/1/913 68 09 oder +43/664/233 90 75
URL: www.postgresql.at, www.cybertec.at, www.python.co.at, www.openldap.at