Обсуждение: [Fwd: Urgent request for a PostgreSQL contact from advocacy.postgresql.org]


[Fwd: Urgent request for a PostgreSQL contact from advocacy.postgresql.org]

Justin Clift
Hi everyone,

Just received this request through the Advocacy site's "Request" form, but I'm not sure which language it's in.  The
on the end of the domain name indicates "Mexican", so... does anyone here speak Mexican well enough to understand this


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Urgent request for a PostgreSQL contact from advocacy.postgresql.org
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 11:01:00 -0500 (EST)
From: Advocacy Website <justin@postgresql.org>
To: justin@postgresql.org

fco javier has requested to be contacted in regards to PostgreSQL.

Email address : fjimenez@dellano.com.mx

Preferred language : V\.B

The nature of the request : al tratar de bjar postgreSQl por transferencia directa no puedo

de donde mas puedo bajarlo\?

The region of the requester : Nuevo Leon Mex\.

The name of the requester's company : DeLlano

The number of people in the requester's company : 50

The urgency of the request is : 4

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
- Indira Gandhi

Re: [Fwd: Urgent request for a PostgreSQL contact

Alberto Caso
El vie, 20-12-2002 a las 18:16, Justin Clift escribió:
> Hi everyone,
> Just received this request through the Advocacy site's "Request" form, but
> I'm not sure which language it's in.  The .mx
> on the end of the domain name indicates "Mexican", so... does anyone here
> speak Mexican well enough to understand this
> request?

    Mexican speak Spanish ;)

> The nature of the request : al tratar de bjar postgreSQl por
> transferencia directa no puedo de donde mas puedo bajarlo\?

    He says something like "I could not download PostgreSQL. Where can I
download it from as well as from here?".

    Http link in http://advocacy.postgresql.org/download/ seems to be wrong
and at this moment ftp site is a bit busy to accept more connections.

Alberto Caso Palomino
Adaptia Soluciones Integrales

Re: [Fwd: Urgent request for a PostgreSQL contact

Justin Clift
Alberto Caso wrote:
> El vie, 20-12-2002 a las 18:16, Justin Clift escribió:
>>Hi everyone,
>>Just received this request through the Advocacy site's "Request" form, but
>>I'm not sure which language it's in.  The .mx
>>on the end of the domain name indicates "Mexican", so... does anyone here
>>speak Mexican well enough to understand this
>     Mexican speak Spanish ;)

Cool.  Thanks Alberto.  Will remember that.  :)

>>The nature of the request : al tratar de bjar postgreSQl por
>>transferencia directa no puedo de donde mas puedo bajarlo\?
>     He says something like "I could not download PostgreSQL. Where can I
> download it from as well as from here?".
>     Http link in http://advocacy.postgresql.org/download/ seems to be wrong
> and at this moment ftp site is a bit busy to accept more connections.


Ok, just updated the link to make sure it works now.

Would you be ok to write something to him in Spanish to let him know that the URL has been fixed?

It would be really helpful.


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

>     Regards,

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
- Indira Gandhi

Re: [Fwd: Urgent request for a PostgreSQL contact

Alberto Caso
> Would you be ok to write something to him in Spanish to let him know
> that the URL has been fixed?
> It would be really helpful.

    Ok, no problem at all. I'll be pleased to to it. What do you want to
appear on the From: in my message?


Alberto Caso Palomino
Adaptia Soluciones Integrales

Re: [Fwd: Urgent request for a PostgreSQL contact

Douglas Trainor
El URL ha estado fijado. Intento otra vez.

Maybe that's close in Spanish...

Justin Clift wrote:

> Ok, just updated the link to make sure it works now.
> Would you be ok to write something to him in Spanish to let him know
> that the URL has been fixed?
> It would be really helpful.
> :-)

Re: [Fwd: Urgent request for a PostgreSQL contact

Justin Clift
Alberto Caso wrote:
>>Would you be ok to write something to him in Spanish to let him know
>>that the URL has been fixed?
>>It would be really helpful.
>     Ok, no problem at all. I'll be pleased to to it. What do you want to
> appear on the From: in my message?

Cool.  Thanks Alberto.  :)

It's probably best to send it as yourself, introducing yourself as a member of the PostgreSQL Community, if that's cool

with you.

That should work pretty well.


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

>     Regards,

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
- Indira Gandhi

Re: [Fwd: Urgent request for a PostgreSQL contact

Alberto Caso
> Cool.  Thanks Alberto.  :)
> It's probably best to send it as yourself, introducing yourself as a
> member of the PostgreSQL Community, if that's cool with you.
> That should work pretty well.

    Ok, done (with BCC to Justin). A honour for me to be presented as a
"member of the PostgreSQL Community" ;)

    Best wishes,

Alberto Caso Palomino
Adaptia Soluciones Integrales

Re: [Fwd: Urgent request for a PostgreSQL contact

Justin Clift
Alberto Caso wrote:
>>Cool.  Thanks Alberto.  :)
>>It's probably best to send it as yourself, introducing yourself as a
>>member of the PostgreSQL Community, if that's cool with you.
>>That should work pretty well.
>     Ok, done (with BCC to Justin).

And done well too I must say.  Very clearly presented and explained.  He should have absolutely no troubles with that.


> A honour for me to be presented as a "member of the PostgreSQL Community" ;)

Heh Heh Heh

You are 100% welcome Alberto.  Thank you very much for coming to the rescue.

And thanks to Douglas too, for trying as well.  :)

Very proud of you both.


Regards and very best wishes,

Justin Clift

>     Best wishes,

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
- Indira Gandhi