Обсуждение: Introduction



Paul Ramsey
Hello one-and-all,
   The recent furor on [HACKERS] (and my recent odd brush with eWeek)
has driven me to join up to the list. Our own company focus, on spatial
databases and GIS (postgis.refractions.net) means we are intimately tied
to PostgreSQL. We love it, and we want more other people to love it.
   Micro-profile: Refractions is a small consulting company (six people)
working in British Columbia, doing about half our work for the
government here and the other half for a smattering of clients around
the continent. Our focus is spatial data, so we're working with
PostgreSQL and our PostGIS extension, and with OracleSpatial. Because we
have been into the guts of PostgreSQL working on the extensions we also
offer specialty consulting on PgSQL programming expertise.
   I have an interesting parable to offer, which you may have already
thought about, which I think could be the "elevator speech" on PostgreSQL.
More shortly,

      | Paul Ramsey
      | Refractions Research
      | Email: pramsey@refractions.net
      | Phone: (250) 885-0632