Обсуждение: Pg9.2: Monitoring NOTIFY queue


Pg9.2: Monitoring NOTIFY queue

Jiří Hlinka

is there any way how to monitor NOTIFY's queue? I'm talking about the queue described here in the "Notes" part: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/sql-notify.html

Recently there were WARNING messages in DB logs like this:
WARNING:  NOTIFY queue is 55% full
DETAIL:  The server process with PID <PID number> is among those with the oldest transactions.
HINT:  The NOTIFY queue cannot be emptied until that process ends its current transaction.

... in coincidence we stopped all processess connected to DB so the problem was solved as a side effect to this step, unfortunately we are unable to find which process (described by PID in log messages above) was cause this filling of NOTIFY's queue.

We need to monitor state of notify queue so we would be able to solve the problem before the queue fills up. There seems to be a problem in some application that causes this behavior but right now we are unable to say which one and therefore to solve the problem with the specific development team.

Thank you,