Обсуждение: 0-byte 2PC File


0-byte 2PC File

Vincent Lau

We are running 8.4.13 on this particular database and recently we have been getting empty two phase commit state files inside the pg_twophase directory. These prepared transactions can't be rolled back due to the empty state file. Here is an example of the error message.

ERROR:  two-phase state file for transaction 121421120 is corrupt

The only way to get rid of this is to restart the database, which is just a bandaid solution at this point.

Have you guys seen this before? I have googled for this but can't seem to find a single instance of this happening to anyone.

I sure will work with our developers to see where in our code is generating this file and go from there. But in the mean time, do you guys have any idea on how I should pursuit this on the database side of things?

Here is a little more info about one of the empty file. It does look like the file was created empty.

-bash-3.2$ stat 073CBD40
  File: `073CBD40'
  Size: 0             Blocks: 0          IO Block: 4096   regular empty file
Device: 830h/2096d    Inode: 100663469   Links: 1
Access: (0600/-rw-------)  Uid: (  499/postgres)   Gid: (  402/     dba)
Access: 2013-07-12 23:05:48.369557197 -0700
Modify: 2013-07-12 23:05:48.398557197 -0700
Change: 2013-07-12 23:05:48.398557197 -0700

Any help is appreciated and I'd be more than happy to provide more info.


Vincent Lau | Database Administrator
503.284.7581 x394 | vincent.lau@rentrak.com
RENTRAK | www.rentrak.com | NASDAQ: RENT

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Re: 0-byte 2PC File

Tom Lane
Vincent Lau <vincent.lau@rentrakmail.com> writes:
> We are running 8.4.13 on this particular database and recently we have been
> getting empty two phase commit state files inside the pg_twophase
> directory. These prepared transactions can't be rolled back due to the
> empty state file. Here is an example of the error message.

> ERROR:  two-phase state file for transaction 121421120 is corrupt

> The only way to get rid of this is to restart the database, which is just a
> bandaid solution at this point.

Is there a waiting transaction corresponding to that file?  If not you
could just manually remove the file, I think.  Not that that isn't a
band-aid, but it'd be less painful than a restart.

Do you see any error messages logged at the time the transaction PREPARE
is attempted?

            regards, tom lane

Re: 0-byte 2PC File

Vincent Lau

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:19 AM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
Vincent Lau <vincent.lau@rentrakmail.com> writes:
> We are running 8.4.13 on this particular database and recently we have been
> getting empty two phase commit state files inside the pg_twophase
> directory. These prepared transactions can't be rolled back due to the
> empty state file. Here is an example of the error message.

> ERROR:  two-phase state file for transaction 121421120 is corrupt

> The only way to get rid of this is to restart the database, which is just a
> bandaid solution at this point.

Is there a waiting transaction corresponding to that file?  If not you
could just manually remove the file, I think.  Not that that isn't a
band-aid, but it'd be less painful than a restart.

By the time the next batch of processing attempted to roll back these 2PCs the original waiting
transaction would already have been terminated in a fashion that it could not roll back its own 2PCs.

You are right that I can just remove the state file without any negative effect except that it'd error out
the next batch of processing when it tries to roll back the previously generated 2PCs.

Our developers conceded that there is a historical reason we are using 2PC but that reason is no
longer valid. So it's a little bit of a tech debt for us now.

Do you see any error messages logged at the time the transaction PREPARE
is attempted?

I tried looking around but saw no such error messages. But I suppose I can crank up the log level to see. 

                        regards, tom lane

Tom, thank you for the pointers. I will keep the community posted when and if we can get to the bottom of this. At this point I
do not believe it's hardware issue. It doesn't sound like an intrinsic database issue to me either. Could be data or application.

Vincent Lau | Database Administrator
503.284.7581 x394 | vincent.lau@rentrak.com
RENTRAK | www.rentrak.com | NASDAQ: RENT

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