Обсуждение: data mount point lost permissions


data mount point lost permissions

Silvio Brandani
During a  server restart  the mount point /var/lib/pgsql/data lost the
0700 permission and the automatic restart of postgres failed.

How can I set the permission of this mount point to be not lost during
restart of server ?? Have I to set specific option in fstab??


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Re: data mount point lost permissions

"Kevin Grittner"
Silvio Brandani <silvio.brandani@tech.sdb.it> wrote:

> During a  server restart  the mount point /var/lib/pgsql/data lost
> the 0700 permission and the automatic restart of postgres failed.
> How can I set the permission of this mount point to be not lost
> during restart of server ?? Have I to set specific option in
> fstab??

Perhaps the mount failed, or did not occur before PostgreSQL tried
to start?  If so, the permission flags may be saving you from
writing to entirely the wrong place?

Does your service script for PostgreSQL (probably in /etc/init.d/)
contain something like this in the BEGIN INIT INFO block?:

# Required-Start: $local_fs $network $syslog
# Should-Start: nthd

Those settings have kept us out of trouble....
