Обсуждение: performance problems on Delete


performance problems on Delete

Silvio Brandani
Hi alls,

we have a performance issue on deleting data from a table.

the delete  is on the index key so should be very fast but the table
have 13 contraints of type foreign keys and the slowness seems due to
all the works done with the constraint.
Trying to drop the constraint and execute the delete the result is

Is there a way to speed up this type of operations??

Any suggestion higly appreciated



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Re: performance problems on Delete

"Kevin Grittner"
Silvio Brandani  wrote:

> we have a performance issue on deleting data from a table.
> the delete is on the index key so should be very fast but the table
> have 13 contraints of type foreign keys and the slowness seems due
> to all the works done with the constraint.
> Trying to drop the constraint and execute the delete the result is
> immediate.

The usual reason for this is that you don't have indexes on the
referencing columns, so to check whether the delete is OK it has to
scan the related tables.  Think about what rows need to be checked to
determine whether the delete is allowed and index the columns which
will allow fast access to them.


Re: performance problems on Delete

Silvio Brandani
Kevin Grittner ha scritto:
> Silvio Brandani  wrote:
>> we have a performance issue on deleting data from a table.
>> the delete is on the index key so should be very fast but the table
>> have 13 contraints of type foreign keys and the slowness seems due
>> to all the works done with the constraint.
>> Trying to drop the constraint and execute the delete the result is
>> immediate.
> The usual reason for this is that you don't have indexes on the
> referencing columns, so to check whether the delete is OK it has to
> scan the related tables.  Think about what rows need to be checked to
> determine whether the delete is allowed and index the columns which
> will allow fast access to them.
> -Kevin
you where right , an index was missing.

thanks a lot



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