Обсуждение: Schema migration-cvs


Schema migration-cvs

Shane Ambler
Not sure if anyone has come across this as it doesn't appear to have
been mentioned on the lists. I have only just found it and haven't
tested it out.

Sony Pictures Imageworks have released some of their internal projects
as opensource using the bsd license - opensource.imageworks.com is the
home site but the code and most info is hosted at code.google.com

One of these projects would be of interest to some pg admins
- scala-migrations - http://code.google.com/p/scala-migrations/

 From the site -

Scala Migrations is a library to manage upgrades and rollbacks to
database schemas. Migrations allow a source control system to manage
together the database schema and the code using the schema. It is
designed to allow multiple developers working on a project with a
database backend to design schema modifications independently, apply the
migrations to their local database for debugging and when complete,
check them into a source control system to manage as one manages normal
source code. Other developers then check out the new migrations and
apply them to their local database. Finally, the migrations are used to
migrate the production databases to the latest schema version.

The Scala Migrations library is written in Scala and makes use of the
clean Scala language to write easy to understand migrations, which are
also written in Scala. Scala Migrations provides a database abstraction
layer that allows migrations to target any supported database vendor.


Scala Migrations currently supports

Patches for other databases are welcome.



Shane Ambler
pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz