Обсуждение: initdb Q rewritten please remove or ignore my last email


initdb Q rewritten please remove or ignore my last email

dx k9

I recently initdb'd with pwfile to create a new instance.  The command is below.
As the postgres user on the local server.
/usr/local/pgsql.v835/bin/initdb --pwfile=/home/postgres/pgp -D /data/Linux.pgsql/serray5432 -E UTF8

I nromally use PAM as my METHOD in my hba files to allow ldap users and it works fine.  Then again, I normally don't initialize with --pwfile(wish I wouldn't have). 

Using --pwfile seems to have disabled my ability to use LDAP.  I also noticed the postgres user shows a MD5 hash in it's properties, which indicates it's using MD5(I would expect that since I initialized it with a password.    I don't remember -W having that affect though.  

Normally, when I add ldap users(new to the instance),  I  add a new login via pgadmin with out a password.  That works fine, but not now.   

Is it a known bug that initializing the db with --pwfile can cause pam not to allow ldap communications or is that by design ?    Is there someway I can get ldap functioning again through PAM to get out of this mess? 
Or is re-initializing the db with out the --pwfile option my best bet?    The only thing I can think of is to specifically use ldap in the hba file instead of pam and see if that works.  I can get my new users to work by just adding the password, but then I'm not using LDAP, which is what I want.

It is configured --with PAM
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql.v835 --with-includes=/usr/local/openssl-fips-1.2/include:/usr/local/include --with-libraries=/usr/local/openssl-fips-1.2/lib:/usr/local/lib --with-pam --with-openssl --with-pgport=5489 --with-perl
Thanks for any insight,

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