Обсуждение: Help request: how to tune performance?


Help request: how to tune performance?

Mauri Sahlberg

We just upgraded Best Practical's RT from 3.6 to 3.81 and gave the
database completely own machine. And the users still complain that it is
dog slow. :-( I installed pg_top and it seems that at the beginning of
the ticket display RT-issues a query that eats everything the database
has. Query is as follows:

Principals Principals_1  ON ( Principals_1.id = main.id ) JOIN
CachedGroupMembers CachedGroupMembers_3  ON
( CachedGroupMembers_3.MemberId = Principals_1.id )  WHERE
(Principals_1.Disabled = '0') AND (ACL_2.PrincipalId =
CachedGroupMembers_3.GroupId) AND (Principals_1.id != '1') AND
(ACL_2.PrincipalType = 'Group') AND (Principals_1.PrincipalType =
'User') AND (ACL_2.RightName = 'OwnTicket') AND ((ACL_2.ObjectType =
'RT::Queue' AND ACL_2.ObjectId   = 18) OR (ACL_2.ObjectType =
'RT::System'))  ORDER BY main.Name ASC

and explain tells me that:
        ->  Nested Loop  (cost=16.17..9953.51 rows=1 width=4318)
              Join Filter: ("outer".principalid = "inner".groupid)
              ->  Index Scan using acl1 on acl acl_2  (cost=0.00..49.38
rows=1 width=4)
                    Index Cond: ((principaltype)::text = 'Group'::text)
                    Filter: ((((rightname)::text = 'OwnTicket'::text) OR
((rightname)::text = 'SuperUser'::text)) AND (((objecttype)::text =
'RT::Queue'::text) OR ((objecttype)::text = 'RT::System'::text)))
              ->  Nested Loop  (cost=16.17..9903.98 rows=12 width=4322)
                    ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..6343.98 rows=1
                          ->  Seq Scan on principals principals_1
(cost=0.00..6308.00 rows=6 width=4)
                                Filter: ((disabled = 0) AND (id <> 1)
AND ((principaltype)::text = 'User'::text))
                          ->  Index Scan using users_pkey on users main
(cost=0.00..5.98 rows=1 width=4318)
                                Index Cond: ("outer".id = main.id)
                    ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cachedgroupmembers
cachedgroupmembers_3  (cost=16.17..3527.23 rows=2621 width=8)
                          Recheck Cond: (cachedgroupmembers_3.memberid =
                          ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cachedgroupmembers2
(cost=0.00..16.17 rows=2621 width=0)
                                Index Cond:
(cachedgroupmembers_3.memberid = "outer".id)

Is there something I can do to improve performance with tuning something
on postgresql.conf? Or adding/dropping indexes? What I read from that
query plan is that the single most expensive thing is sequential scan on
Principals. Principals already has indexes for both id and object.id!

Database version:
Name        : postgresql-server            Relocations: (not
Version     : 8.1.11                            Vendor: CentOS
Release     : 1.el5_1.1                     Build Date: Sat 12 Jan 2008
04:45:09 PM EET


last pid:  7201;  load avg:  0.62,  0.90,  0.62;       up 0+19:17:00
13 processes: 1 running, 12 sleeping
CPU states:  8.2% user,  0.0% nice, 42.4% system, 49.5% idle,  0.0%
Memory: 1083M used, 2722M free, 234M buffers, 759M cached
Swap: 1024M free

 6015 postgres  17    0   22M   12M run     0:32 13.28% 99.82% postgres:
rt rt
 6018 postgres  15    0   22M   12M sleep   3:25  0.01%  0.00% postgres:
rt rt
 6035 postgres  15    0   22M   12M sleep   2:11  1.31%  0.00% postgres:
rt rt
 6037 postgres  15    0   22M   12M sleep   1:33  0.01%  0.00% postgres:
rt rt

Re: Help request: how to tune performance?

"Scott Marlowe"
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 2:31 AM, Mauri Sahlberg
<Mauri.Sahlberg@claymountain.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We just upgraded Best Practical's RT from 3.6 to 3.81 and gave the
> database completely own machine. And the users still complain that it is
> dog slow.

Moved up from below:

> Version     : 8.1.11                            Vendor: CentOS

So, you built it its own machine, but you didn't upgrade to at least 8.2?

Last place I worked we ran rt 3.6.1 and got a noticeable performance
boost from switching to 8.2 but the only thing that was ever really
slow was viewing the rather large approval queue.

> :-( I installed pg_top and it seems that at the beginning of
> the ticket display RT-issues a query that eats everything the database
> has. Query is as follows:
> Principals Principals_1  ON ( Principals_1.id = main.id ) JOIN
> CachedGroupMembers CachedGroupMembers_3  ON
> ( CachedGroupMembers_3.MemberId = Principals_1.id )  WHERE
> (Principals_1.Disabled = '0') AND (ACL_2.PrincipalId =
> CachedGroupMembers_3.GroupId) AND (Principals_1.id != '1') AND
> (ACL_2.PrincipalType = 'Group') AND (Principals_1.PrincipalType =
> 'User') AND (ACL_2.RightName = 'OwnTicket') AND ((ACL_2.ObjectType =
> 'RT::Queue' AND ACL_2.ObjectId   = 18) OR (ACL_2.ObjectType =
> 'RT::System'))  ORDER BY main.Name ASC

Please post the output of explain analyze as an attachment.  explain
is only half the answer.

> Is there something I can do to improve performance with tuning something
> on postgresql.conf? Or adding/dropping indexes? What I read from that
> query plan is that the single most expensive thing is sequential scan on
> Principals. Principals already has indexes for both id and object.id!

Possibly.  explain analyze will help you identify where stats are
wrong.  sometimes just cranking the stats target on a few columns and
re-analyzing gets you a noticeable performance boost.  It's cheap and

When the estimated and actual number of rows are fairly close, then
look for the slowest thing and see if an index can help.

What have to already done to tune the install?  shared_buffers,
work_mem, random_page_cost, effective_cache_size.  Is your db bloating
during the day?

Why no try 8.3 on this?

Are you running on a single SATA hard drive?    How big's the database
directory?  I'm guessing from your top output that the db is about 500
meg or so.  it should all fit in memory.

Re: Help request: how to tune performance?

Kenneth Marshall
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 11:10:01AM -0600, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 2:31 AM, Mauri Sahlberg
> <Mauri.Sahlberg@claymountain.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We just upgraded Best Practical's RT from 3.6 to 3.81 and gave the
> > database completely own machine. And the users still complain that it is
> > dog slow.
> Moved up from below:
> > Version     : 8.1.11                            Vendor: CentOS
> So, you built it its own machine, but you didn't upgrade to at least 8.2?
> Last place I worked we ran rt 3.6.1 and got a noticeable performance
> boost from switching to 8.2 but the only thing that was ever really
> slow was viewing the rather large approval queue.
> > :-( I installed pg_top and it seems that at the beginning of
> > the ticket display RT-issues a query that eats everything the database
> > has. Query is as follows:
> >
> > Principals Principals_1  ON ( Principals_1.id = main.id ) JOIN
> > CachedGroupMembers CachedGroupMembers_3  ON
> > ( CachedGroupMembers_3.MemberId = Principals_1.id )  WHERE
> > (Principals_1.Disabled = '0') AND (ACL_2.PrincipalId =
> > CachedGroupMembers_3.GroupId) AND (Principals_1.id != '1') AND
> > (ACL_2.PrincipalType = 'Group') AND (Principals_1.PrincipalType =
> > 'User') AND (ACL_2.RightName = 'OwnTicket') AND ((ACL_2.ObjectType =
> > 'RT::Queue' AND ACL_2.ObjectId   = 18) OR (ACL_2.ObjectType =
> > 'RT::System'))  ORDER BY main.Name ASC

What is your version of DBIx-SearchBuilder? In particular, the
DISTINCT definition was changed from:

$$statementref = "SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM $$statementref";


$$statementref = "SELECT main.* FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT main.id FROM $$statementref ) distinctquery, $table main WHERE
(main.id= distinctquery.id) "; 

You can change the line in your version of SearchBuilder and restart
RT with a cache flush to get approximately the same benefit.


Re: Help request: how to tune performance?

Mauri Sahlberg

Thanks for the reply and advice.

Scott Marlowe kirjoitti:
>> Version     : 8.1.11                            Vendor: CentOS
> So, you built it its own machine, but you didn't upgrade to at least 8.2?
Now it is: 8.4devel_15092008

The machine was installed by the production team from the standard
CentOS template. I tried to adhere to the standard and installed the
standard CentOS binary for Postgresql. I am not  part of production team
so I try to be extra careful with the "rule book".
> Please post the output of explain analyze as an attachment.  explain
> is only half the answer.
I did what Kenneth Marshall suggested and edited DBIx::Searchbuilder's
Handle/Pg.pm. I will post the explain analyze for the new query it now
generates if it becomes necessary.
> Possibly.  explain analyze will help you identify where stats are
> wrong.  sometimes just cranking the stats target on a few columns and
> re-analyzing gets you a noticeable performance boost.  It's cheap and
> easy.
> When the estimated and actual number of rows are fairly close, then
> look for the slowest thing and see if an index can help.
> What have to already done to tune the install?  shared_buffers,
> work_mem, random_page_cost, effective_cache_size.  Is your db bloating
> during the day?
When I upgraded to 8.4 I also checked newer Postgresql manual for the
memory consumption and found comment by Steven Citron-Pousty and
increased accordingly:
- shared_buffers to 320MB
- wal_buffers to 8MB
- effective_cache_size to 2048MB
- maintenance_work_mem to 384MB

Sorry, I do not understand what you mean by bloating. The db size is:
rt=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('rt'));
 350 MB
(1 row)

> Are you running on a single SATA hard drive?    How big's the database
> directory?  I'm guessing from your top output that the db is about 500
> meg or so.  it should all fit in memory.
-bash-3.2$ du --si -s data
524M    data

I don't know what kind of drives there actually are. The machine is
vmware virtual with two virtual CPU's clocking 2,33GHz, 4 GB ram, 1 GB
swap. The disk is probably given from either MSA or from EVA. The disk
shows up as one virtual drive and everything is on it. Filesystem is
ext3 on lvm. Database data is on /var which is it's own volume.

I have also added 5 more mason processes to the web frontend machine.

For me the results look promising. Opening search builder went from 42
seconds to 4 seconds and opening one particular long chain takes now
only 27 seconds. But again I am not from the support team either so I do
not get to define what is fast enough. The verdict is now in for the
jury to decide.

Thank you.

Re: Help request: how to tune performance?

Kenneth Marshall

The only other thing to check is what indexes are defined for
your schema. You can look at a previous post about PostgreSQL
indexing for RT to see what we are using here at Rice. Let me
know if you have any questions.


On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 09:00:14PM +0300, Mauri Sahlberg wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the reply and advice.
> Scott Marlowe kirjoitti:
>>> Version     : 8.1.11                            Vendor: CentOS
>> So, you built it its own machine, but you didn't upgrade to at least 8.2?
> Now it is: 8.4devel_15092008
> The machine was installed by the production team from the standard CentOS
> template. I tried to adhere to the standard and installed the standard
> CentOS binary for Postgresql. I am not  part of production team so I try to
> be extra careful with the "rule book".
>> Please post the output of explain analyze as an attachment.  explain
>> is only half the answer.
> I did what Kenneth Marshall suggested and edited DBIx::Searchbuilder's
> Handle/Pg.pm. I will post the explain analyze for the new query it now
> generates if it becomes necessary.
>> Possibly.  explain analyze will help you identify where stats are
>> wrong.  sometimes just cranking the stats target on a few columns and
>> re-analyzing gets you a noticeable performance boost.  It's cheap and
>> easy.
>> When the estimated and actual number of rows are fairly close, then
>> look for the slowest thing and see if an index can help.
>> What have to already done to tune the install?  shared_buffers,
>> work_mem, random_page_cost, effective_cache_size.  Is your db bloating
>> during the day?
> When I upgraded to 8.4 I also checked newer Postgresql manual for the
> memory consumption and found comment by Steven Citron-Pousty and increased
> accordingly:
> - shared_buffers to 320MB
> - wal_buffers to 8MB
> - effective_cache_size to 2048MB
> - maintenance_work_mem to 384MB
> Sorry, I do not understand what you mean by bloating. The db size is:
> rt=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('rt'));
> pg_size_pretty
> ----------------
> 350 MB
> (1 row)
>> Are you running on a single SATA hard drive?    How big's the database
>> directory?  I'm guessing from your top output that the db is about 500
>> meg or so.  it should all fit in memory.
> -bash-3.2$ du --si -s data
> 524M    data
> I don't know what kind of drives there actually are. The machine is vmware
> virtual with two virtual CPU's clocking 2,33GHz, 4 GB ram, 1 GB swap. The
> disk is probably given from either MSA or from EVA. The disk shows up as
> one virtual drive and everything is on it. Filesystem is ext3 on lvm.
> Database data is on /var which is it's own volume.
> I have also added 5 more mason processes to the web frontend machine.
> For me the results look promising. Opening search builder went from 42
> seconds to 4 seconds and opening one particular long chain takes now only
> 27 seconds. But again I am not from the support team either so I do not get
> to define what is fast enough. The verdict is now in for the jury to
> decide.
> Thank you.
> --
> Sent via pgsql-admin mailing list (pgsql-admin@postgresql.org)
> To make changes to your subscription:
> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-admin

Re: Help request: how to tune performance?

"Scott Marlowe"
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 12:00 PM, Mauri Sahlberg
<mauri.sahlberg@claymountain.com> wrote:
>> So, you built it its own machine, but you didn't upgrade to at least 8.2?
> Now it is: 8.4devel_15092008

I don't think I'd be running production data on a dev version of the
db.  Not that it's likely to crash and eat all your data, which is a
distinct possibility, but that you might have to dump and reload a
couple of times before you get to 8.4 production.  Plus if there's a
weird performance corner case you might get to be the lucky one to
report it.  8.3.3 is quite stable and quite a bit faster than 8.1.  I
haven't had a chance to even test 8.4 yet, but I'm sure it's got its
own performance enhancements as well.

> The machine was installed by the production team from the standard CentOS
> template. I tried to adhere to the standard and installed the standard
> CentOS binary for Postgresql. I am not  part of production team so I try to
> be extra careful with the "rule book".

Understood...  I prefer to install the PGDG rpms on centos / redhat,
as it lets me choose the version I want instead of using the old
version that rh/centos supports for that version.

They're easy to install and uninstall.

So, how's the performance of 8.4 now compared to 8.1?

> When I upgraded to 8.4 I also checked newer Postgresql manual for the memory
> consumption and found comment by Steven Citron-Pousty and increased
> accordingly:
> - shared_buffers to 320MB
> - wal_buffers to 8MB
> - effective_cache_size to 2048MB
> - maintenance_work_mem to 384MB

Seems reasonable.  What's work_mem set to?  I'd suggest something in
the 4 to 8 meg range for starters, unless you're trying to handle
hundreds and hundreds of connections.

> Sorry, I do not understand what you mean by bloating.

Every time pgsql updates or deletes a row it leaves a dead row in its
place.  Enough of these without vacuuming up the dead tuples and you
wind up with a table with 90% dead space etc...  Bad for performance.

> The db size is:
> rt=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('rt'));
> pg_size_pretty
> ----------------
> 350 MB
> (1 row)

Cool, between OS kernel cache and pgsql's shared_buffers it should all
be in memory after a bit.

>> Are you running on a single SATA hard drive?    How big's the database
>> directory?  I'm guessing from your top output that the db is about 500
>> meg or so.  it should all fit in memory.
> -bash-3.2$ du --si -s data
> 524M    data
> I don't know what kind of drives there actually are. The machine is vmware
> virtual with two virtual CPU's clocking 2,33GHz, 4 GB ram, 1 GB swap. The
> disk is probably given from either MSA or from EVA. The disk shows up as one
> virtual drive and everything is on it. Filesystem is ext3 on lvm. Database
> data is on /var which is it's own volume.

The one thing that should NEVER run on a VM or on an LVM vol is a
database.  This is because most VMs and LVM for sure, do NOT provide
proper write barriers, which means a crash could cost you your
database being corrupted beyond repair.  also, VMs tend to slow down
heavily switched apps like databases and LVM has a maximum throughput
in the 300Meg/sec range.  Not a big deal for a couple of mirrored
disks, but a big deal if you're running a 32 disk RAID-10 array under

> For me the results look promising. Opening search builder went from 42
> seconds to 4 seconds and opening one particular long chain takes now only 27
> seconds. But again I am not from the support team either so I do not get to
> define what is fast enough. The verdict is now in for the jury to decide.

hehe.  I know how that works.  best of luck.  I'd push or a dedicated
db server.  They can't give you a pick up truck and be upset it's not
a dragster later on.