Обсуждение: pg_dump with "-t" option not dumping OID data?


pg_dump with "-t" option not dumping OID data?

"Andrew Frederico"

I'm using the "-t" option with "pg_dump" to select only a few tables
from a database.  Those tables just happen to have OID fields in them.
 If I dump the -entire- database the OID data comes along with it.  If
I dump specific -tables,- since it doesn't cascade to dependencies,
the OID data is -not- dumped.

I have also tried dumping those tables with the "-o" option but with
the same result.

Here's the actual console command I use:

pg_dump -o -v -f 29-april.jasper.ns2.tar -F tar -t '*.j*' -t '*.qrtz*'
-T '*.*static' -t '*.rv_*' -t '*.*view' -t '*.wgisbn' -t
'*.hibernate_sequence' ucentive

Here is the "\d" of the table whose OID data doesn't export:

         Table "public.jifileresource"
  Column   |         Type          | Modifiers
 id        | bigint                | not null
 data      | oid                   |
 file_type | character varying(20) |
 reference | bigint                |
    "jifileresource_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "fkf75b58895a0c539" FOREIGN KEY (reference) REFERENCES jifileresource(id)
    "fkf75b5889a8bf376d" FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES jiresource(id)

If anyone has any suggestions where to find this data to specifically
dump it or any other suggestions would be appreciated!

-- Andrew