Обсуждение: pg-watchdog



Mark Harrison
Here is the final version of my script that will watch for disconnected
client machines and kill their associated server side processes.

If I'm doing anything really stupid I would appreciate hearing about it.
If it's useful to anyone, feel free to pass it along.


# the next line restarts using wish \
exec tclsh8.3 "$0" "$@"

# pg-watchdog -- make sure postgres clients are reachable.
# This program is a watchdog for postgresql.  It monitors all
# postgresql client processes and kills them if the host upon
# which they are running becomes inaccessible over the network.
# This is necessary because if a machine goes down "hard" or
# if a network cable becomes disconnected, it can be several
# hours before postgres will be informed of this (for details,
# see chapter 23 of W. Richard Steven's TCP/IP Illustrated,
# volume 1).  If a postgres client on that machine has a
# transaction lock, all other clients will be blocked waiting
# for that lock to be released.
# This program uses the Scotty package available at:
#     http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~schoenw/scotty
# If you do not wish to install Scotty you can change
# the icmp command to instead use whatever flavor of
# ping is available on your system.
# Please send feedback, improvements, etc, to
# Mark Harrison, mh@pixar.com

package require Tnm

proc doit {} {
     after 60000 doit
     set pids("") ""
     unset pids("")
     set lines [exec ps auxww | awk {$11=="postgres:" {print $2 "/" $14}}]
     foreach s [split $lines \n] {
         set x [split $s /]
         set pid [lindex $x 0]
         set ip  [lindex $x 1]
         if {[regexp {[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+} $ip]} {
             lappend pids($ip) $pid
     if {[array size pids] > 0} {
         set times [icmp -timeout 20 echo [lsort [array names pids]]]
         foreach pair $times {
             set ip [lindex $pair 0]
             set time  [lindex $pair 1]
             if {$time == -1} {
                 foreach pid $pids($ip) {
                     puts "killing $pid from $ip"
                     exec kill $pid

after 0 doit
vwait forever

Mark Harrison
Pixar Animation Studios