Обсуждение: How to create a user with password


How to create a user with password

"Web Administrator"

Hi, all:

In the file of pg_hba.conf, I give the following parameter:

TYPE    DATABASE        IP_ADDRESS              MASK            AUTH_TYPE               AUTH_ARGUMENT
Local   all                                                     password               
host    all       password       

        Now look what I got:

$su postgres
bash$psql template1

        What is the password for user 'postgres' ? How can I create one for this user?

bash$createuser dbadmin
Shall the new user be allowed to create database?(y/n) y
Shall the new user be allowed to create more new user? (y/n) y
password: 'dbadminpassword'
FATAL 1: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
Createuser: creation of user 'dbadmin' failed

        If I change the config setting to

Local   all                                     trust

        I can login to template1 database and create users and databases, but I fail to give a password to a user. Look:

$su postgres
bash$createuser dbadmin with password 'dbpassword'

        Now it seems the 'dbpasswod' became the created user.

Anybody knows how to create password for 'postgres' ? How to create a user with password?


Hong Jin

How to create a user with password

"Web Administrator"

> Hi, all:
> In the file of pg_hba.conf, I give the following parameter:
> TYPE  DATABASE        IP_ADDRESS              MASK           
> Local all                                                    
> password             
> host  all      
> password     
>       Now look what I got:
> $su postgres
> bash$psql template1
> $password
>       What is the password for user 'postgres' ? How can I
> create one for this user?
> bash$createuser dbadmin
> Shall the new user be allowed to create database?(y/n) y
> Shall the new user be allowed to create more new user? (y/n) y
> password: 'dbadminpassword'
> FATAL 1: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
> Createuser: creation of user 'dbadmin' failed
>       If I change the config setting to
> Local         all                                     trust
>       I can login to template1 database and create users and
> databases, but I fail to give a password to a user. Look:
> $su postgres
> bash$createuser dbadmin with password 'dbpassword'
>       Now it seems the 'dbpasswod' became the created user.
> Anybody knows how to create password for 'postgres' ? How to
> create a user with password?
> --------------------------------------------
> Hong Jin
> h1jin@ucsd.edu