Обсуждение: need help urgent


need help urgent

Jie Liang

Is anybody have experience about core dump?
We have some scripts have been used for a long time, however, recently,
they seem to have some problems,
the message I got:

SSELECT priority from priority where source=lower('questionable')
Total insert into preunchecked: 1
Segmentation fault - core dumped
Segmentation fault - core dumped

This script has been used for a few monthes, no problem.

I checked my pgsql.log, I saw:

Nov  3 00:58:45 wipeout postgres[1638]: query: INSERT INTO
source(id,source) SELECT id,'questionable' from
preunchecked                 WHERE insertdate>= '2000-11
-03 00:58:45-08'
Nov  3 00:58:46 wipeout postgres[1642]: query: SELECT version()
Nov  3 00:58:46 wipeout postgres[1642]: query: begin
Nov  3 00:58:46 wipeout postgres[1642]: ProcessUtility: begin
Nov  3 00:58:46 wipeout postgres[1642]: query: set transaction isolation
level serializable
Nov  3 00:58:46 wipeout postgres[1642]: ProcessUtility: set transaction
isolation level serializable
Nov  3 00:58:46 wipeout postgres[1642]: query: SELECT oid from
pg_database where datname = 'template1'
Nov  3 00:58:46 wipeout postgres[1642]: query: SELECT pg_type.oid,
typowner, typname, typlen, typprtlen, typinput, typoutput, typreceive,
typsend, typelem, typdeli
m, typdefault, typrelid, typbyval, usename from pg_type, pg_user where
typowner = usesysid
Nov  3 00:58:46 wipeout postgres[1642]: query: SELECT pg_proc.oid,
proname, prolang, pronargs, prorettype, proretset, proargtypes, prosrc,
probin, usename from pg_
proc, pg_user where pg_proc.oid > '17216'::oid and proowner = usesysid
Nov  3 00:58:46 wipeout postgres[1642]: query: SELECT pg_aggregate.oid,
aggname, aggtransfn1, aggtransfn2, aggfinalfn, aggtranstype1,
aggbasetype, aggtranstype2, a
gginitval1, agginitval2, usename from pg_aggregate, pg_user where
aggowner = usesysid


We have no script to open a new session[1642],  how this happen? how I
to prevent this??



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