Обсуждение: Re: [BUGS] help me


Re: [BUGS] help me

Stephan Szabo
[Set mailing list to admin, since admin seems more appropriate than

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Baley OUATTARA wrote:

> i have a problems for deploying database POSTGRESQL ON MY OS linux
> first point is :
> i want to  put the data of database in another location, what can i do at
> installation and after installation

Do you mean all databases or a specific one?
I believe initdb takes an argument that will let it set the data directory
(although you will also have to tell the backend where it is).  For
a specific database, there is a mechanisms for saying create
in this location, but it seems a little hard to use.  You can also use
symlinks (Big problem with symlinks is restoring the database, since you
have to remember that you moved it in the first place)

> second point is:
> when the location is full what can i do for extend the database in the nex
> location

As of 7.0 it's fairly wierd.  You need to use symlinks to move the
databases (tables, indexes, etc) around.  And, I'm not sure if it's safe
to make the symlinks for non-existant segments, so new segments would
probably be created in the databases directory until moved.  There's
been some talk on -hackers about changing some of this stuff, so you
might want to check out the archives.

> third point is
> i have a file whom is containt the texte in ascii with delimiters the field
> is ";" , when i use:
>      "COPY mytable From file delimiters ";"
> this command return error
> "COPY command, running in backend with effective uid 40 , could not open
> file '/home/ouatt/yyy208' for reading errno=permission denied (13)"

You probably really wanted \copy not COPY.  IIRC COPY runs as the postgres
user (and on the server), who may not have access to the file in another
user's home directory, whereas \copy is from the client and uses the
client's file permissions.