Обсуждение: Your site has been included on OpenHere


Your site has been included on OpenHere


Your site has been included in the OpenHere.com index and search engine.  OpenHere is one of the 10 largest index and
searchsites on the Internet.   

Your site listing is:
Link:  http://www.postgresql.org/mhonarc/pgsql-admin/
Title:  PostgreSQL Users' Support Mailing Lists
OpenHere Category:  http://www.openhere.com/tech1/software/databases/postgress/

You might have already received a message similar to this one, as we send a note when ever we add a link to your site
ina different category on OpenHere.com. 

At OpenHere you can dynamically modify your site's listing at any time.  You can also include your site's listing in
othercategories on OpenHere.com.   

When you modify your site's listing, it is automatically placed at the top of the category in which it is included, and
isplaced first in the search engine results for the keywords relating to your site. 

To modify, add or delete your listing:

1.  Go to the page on OpenHere where your site is presently listed or you would like it listed.
2.  Select "Suggest a Site".
3.  Follow the instructions for changing your listing.

All of the modifications you submit to OpenHere.com are processed in real time.  As soon as you see the response to
yoursubmission, your site listing should be updated. 

www.OpenHere.com is frequented by both children and families.  As a result, www.OpenHere.com does not include links to
materialwhich is illegal to display to minors. 

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