Обсуждение: back up


back up

Sumay Kruger
<div class="WordSection1"><p class="MsoNormal">Good day<p class="MsoNormal"> <p class="MsoNormal">I hope you can help
me.We are using Idart dispensing program at the clinic. I want to do back-ups using Postgress, but the program wouldn’t
letme. Can you please assist.<p class="MsoNormal"> <p class="MsoNormal">Thank You<p class="MsoNormal"> <p
class="MsoNormal">SumayKruger</div><p style="font-family: Century Gothic; font-size: 8pt">"All views or opinions
expressedin this electronic message and its attachments are the view of the sender and do not necessarily reflect the
viewsand opinions of the Western Cape Government (the WCG). No employee of the WCG is entitled to conclude a binding
contracton behalf of the WCG unless he/she is an accounting officer of the WCG, or his or her authorised
representative.The information contained in this message and its attachments may be confidential or privileged and is
forthe use of the named recipient only, except where the sender specifically states otherwise. If you are not the
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Re: back up

Ben Trewern

First of all I think you are better off asking this question on the pgsql-admin or pgsql-general lists or even on an Idart forum.

To answer your question; I’d try using pg_dump or pg_dumpall on the command line and you’ll need to know the database administrator credentials to do a backup. Lookup the documentation for your version of postgres as it looks like the options for pg_dump and pg_dumpall have changed in the last few releases.


On 5 Sep 2016, at 14:19, Sumay Kruger <Sumay.Kruger@westerncape.gov.za> wrote:

Good day
I hope you can help me. We are using Idart dispensing program at the clinic. I want to do back-ups using Postgress, but the program wouldn’t let me. Can you please assist.
Thank You
Sumay Kruger

"All views or opinions expressed in this electronic message and its attachments are the view of the sender and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Western Cape Government (the WCG). No employee of the WCG is entitled to conclude a binding contract on behalf of the WCG unless he/she is an accounting officer of the WCG, or his or her authorised representative. The information contained in this message and its attachments may be confidential or privileged and is for the use of the named recipient only, except where the sender specifically states otherwise. If you are not the intended recipient you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone."