Обсуждение: Bug report


Bug report

Alexander Stuart-Kregor
PGadmin version 1.18.0 (present in previous versions down to 1.16 from memory)
OS Windows 7 64 bit current
Installed from binary.

There exist a few bugs in PGadmin where a connection to a remote server will time out or be closed and the program will
crashwhen various operations are attempted. 
So far, the following have caused a crash:Auto completeRight-clicking an element in the server tree belonging to the
disconnectedserverOpening the query tool (with Ctrl+E) 

Recreate the issue: open a connection to a remote server, open a query tool window and run some queries, then leave it
foran hour or so. Attempt some of the above in combination - autocomplete usually sets up the crash triggered by a

When a query window has been kept open, and the connection closes, it can take up to 1 minute after starting query
executionto recognise that there is no connection before asking for a reconnect. 

Connections to the server seem to be separate for query tool and main GUI - so you are asked twice for each database if
youwish to reconnect. 

I use PGadmin daily as a developer, and having to save queries in case it crashes is a pain - please fix these issues
oradvise if a fix will not be attempted.