Обсуждение: Can't create 8.4 database when specifying collation and character type in 1.10 beta


Can't create 8.4 database when specifying collation and character type in 1.10 beta

"Obe, Regina"
<p><font size="2">I'm using 1.10.0 beta 2 -- the one that comes with EnterpriseDB 8.4 beta1.<br /><br /> When I try to
createa new database and specify the collations and character type I get error something to the effect syntax error in
collate.<br/><br /> Looking at the SQL its generating<br /><br /> CREATE DATABASE testpg84<br />   WITH
ENCODING='UTF8'<br/>        TEMPLATE=template0<br />        COLLATE='C'<br />        CTYPE='English_United
States.1252'<br/>        CONNECTION LIMIT=-1;<br /><br /> Shouldn't that be<br /><br /> LC_COLLATE<br /> LC_CType<br
/><br/> according to the docs<br /><a
/><br/> If I hand create as<br /><br /><br /> CREATE DATABASE testpg84<br />   WITH ENCODING='UTF8'<br />       
TEMPLATE=template0<br/>        LC_COLLATE='C'<br />        LC_CTYPE='English_United States.1252'<br />       
CONNECTIONLIMIT=-1;<br /><br /> works fine<br /><br /> Thanks,<br /> Regina<br /><br /></font><p><hr size="1"
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Re: Can't create 8.4 database when specifying collation and character type in 1.10 beta

Dave Page
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 7:33 PM, Obe, Regina <robe.dnd@cityofboston.gov> wrote:
> I'm using 1.10.0 beta 2 -- the one that comes with EnterpriseDB 8.4 beta1.
> When I try to create a new database and specify the collations and character
> type I get error something to the effect syntax error in collate.

The options were renamed in PostgreSQL after pgAdmin 1.10 beta 2 was
released. It's already been fixed for beta 3.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:   http://www.enterprisedb.com