Обсуждение: Connecting from xp to linux server


Connecting from xp to linux server

Simone Gadenz
Hi all,

this is the problem I am facing.

I have PG 8.3 running on a KUBUNTU installation running on a virtual 
machine. From inside the virtual machine I can use PGADMIN to manage PG 
but when I try to connect from the xp machine I have this error: "Error 
connecting to the server:FATAL: missing or erroneous pg_hba.conf file" .

I set the permission in the pg_hba.conf on the server.

The machine talk each oher, I can ping and use telnet on the 5432 port.

The log on the server does not report any problem.




 Dr. Simone Gadenz

via P. Togliatti 69, 50051

Castelfiorentino (FI)

+39 339 6053660

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Re: Connecting from xp to linux server

Erwin Brandstetter
Hi Simone!

On Jun 7, 9:28 am, s.gad...@geologyx.it (Simone Gadenz) wrote:
> Hi all,
> this is the problem I am facing.
> I have PG 8.3 running on a KUBUNTU installation running on a virtual
> machine. From inside the virtual machine I can use PGADMIN to manage PG
> but when I try to connect from the xp machine I have this error: "Error
> connecting to the server:FATAL: missing or erroneous pg_hba.conf file" .
> I set the permission in the pg_hba.conf on the server.
> The machine talk each oher, I can ping and use telnet on the 5432 port.
> The log on the server does not report any problem.
> Ideas?

This error message comes from the server: "FATAL: missing or erroneous
pg_hba.conf file" .
You should probably consider what the error message says: the server
either cannot find the pg_hba.conf file or the file is erroneous.

For further questions turn to  pgsql.admin (pgsql-admin@postgresql.org)
or  pgsql.general (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
