Обсуждение: Unable to add server in PGadmin


Unable to add server in PGadmin

"manoj nair"
Hi,<br />     I have installed postgres 8.2 on a Windows Vista machine.<br />PGAdmin came along with the installation
andon opening PgAdmin there is a POstgresSQL DATAbase Server 8.2(localhost:5432) server running on it.<br />I have
anotherwindows machine XP and i have PGadmin installaed on it too. <br />I am trying to add a server to this PGadmin so
thati can access the Vista Postgres server remotely.<br />Before when the postgres was running on a linux machine i
didnthave any problem connecting to it with  my PGAdmin client (i had the ip address of my windows XP machine in the
pg_hba.confadded). <br />I was following the same with the Vista machine too...<br />But ia m unable to connect to
WindowsVista machine from Windows XP - Pgadmin "Connection to database failed." is what i get and the add server window
popsup again. <br />I am pretty new to postgres installation on windows and is there any thing else i need to do with
theconfigurations..<br /><br />Thanks in advance,<br />Manoj<br /><br /><br /> 

Re: Unable to add server in PGadmin

Dave Page
manoj nair wrote:
> Hi,
>      I have installed postgres 8.2 on a Windows Vista machine.
> PGAdmin came along with the installation and on opening PgAdmin there is
> a POstgresSQL DATAbase Server 8.2(localhost:5432) server running on it.
> I have another windows machine XP and i have PGadmin installaed on it too.
> I am trying to add a server to this PGadmin so that i can access the
> Vista Postgres server remotely.
> Before when the postgres was running on a linux machine i didnt have any
> problem connecting to it with  my PGAdmin client (i had the ip address
> of my windows XP machine in the pg_hba.conf added).
> I was following the same with the Vista machine too...
> But ia m unable to connect to Windows Vista machine from Windows XP -
> Pgadmin "Connection to database failed." is what i get and the add
> server window pops up again.
> I am pretty new to postgres installation on windows and is there any
> thing else i need to do with the configurations..

Windows Firewall blocking you perhaps? Or maybe you're only listening onlocalhost - check the listen_addresses option

Regards, Dave.

Re: Unable to add server in PGadmin

Dave Page
Please keep your replies on the mailing list.

manoj nair wrote:
> hi,
> I have checked the windows firewall and PostgreSQL server is enabled in
> the exceptions list(I suppose that means firewall would not block it).
> I have the listen_addresses option in postgresql.conf set to
> listen_addresses = '*'.

What is the error message *exactly*?

Regards, Dave.

Re: Unable to add server in PGadmin

"manoj nair"
       The error message on the left most corner of PGAdmin says..."Connection to database ...Failed" and the
add server form or dialog box pops up again.
there is nothing much happening other than this.

On Dec 10, 2007 4:12 PM, Dave Page <dpage@postgresql.org> wrote:
Please keep your replies on the mailing list.

manoj nair wrote:
> hi,
> I have checked the windows firewall and PostgreSQL server is enabled in
> the exceptions list(I suppose that means firewall would not block it).
> I have the listen_addresses option in postgresql.conf set to
> listen_addresses = '*'.

What is the error message *exactly*?

Regards, Dave.

Windows Firewall blocking you perhaps? Or maybe you're only listening on
 localhost - check the listen_addresses option in postgresql.conf.

Regards, Dave.
     I have installed postgres 8.2 on a Windows Vista machine.
PGAdmin came along with the installation and on opening PgAdmin there is a POstgresSQL DATAbase Server 8.2(localhost:5432) server running on it.
I have another windows machine XP and i have PGadmin installaed on it too.
I am trying to add a server to this PGadmin so that i can access the Vista Postgres server remotely.
Before when the postgres was running on a linux machine i didnt have any problem connecting to it with  my PGAdmin client (i had the ip address of my windows XP machine in the pg_hba.conf added).
I was following the same with the Vista machine too...
But ia m unable to connect to Windows Vista machine from Windows XP - Pgadmin "Connection to database failed." is what i get and the add server window pops up again.
I am pretty new to postgres installation on windows and is there any thing else i need to do with the configurations..

Thanks in advance,

Re: Unable to add server in PGadmin

Raymond O'Donnell
On 10/12/2007 11:41, manoj nair wrote:

>        The error message on the left most corner of PGAdmin 
> says..."Connection to database ...Failed" and the
> add server form or dialog box pops up again.
> there is nothing much happening other than this.

Yu should get a bit more than this....as an experiment, I stopped the 
PostgreSQL service on my laptop (WinXP) and tried to connect with 
pgAdmin - and a large window popped up quoting the error from libpq 
("could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is 
the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections 
on port 5432?") and giving all sorts of useful advice.

Do you not see something like this?


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland

Re: Unable to add server in PGadmin

Dave Page
Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
> On 10/12/2007 11:41, manoj nair wrote:
>>        The error message on the left most corner of PGAdmin
>> says..."Connection to database ...Failed" and the
>> add server form or dialog box pops up again.
>> there is nothing much happening other than this.
> Yu should get a bit more than this....as an experiment, I stopped the
> PostgreSQL service on my laptop (WinXP) and tried to connect with
> pgAdmin - and a large window popped up quoting the error from libpq
> ("could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is
> the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections
> on port 5432?") and giving all sorts of useful advice.
> Do you not see something like this?

Oh, I see how that can happen (the do not show this hint again' box has
been checked).

Under File -> Options -> Preferences, check the 'Reset guru hints'
option, click OK, and then try connecting again.

Regards, Dave.

Re: Unable to add server in PGadmin

"manoj nair"
Dave/rod,<br />       I checked Under File -> Options -> Preferences, check the 'Reset guru hints'<br />option,
clickOK, and then tried connecting again.<br /><br />This time i got some hint regarding Primary Keys .. but nothing on
theconnection specific errors.. <br /><br />The PGAdmin on the vista box is working all fine ..<br />i have added 2
serversto it one with the local host and the other with an ip address of a linux machine which has postgres running on
it....seems to be working perfectly ,,, <br /><br />But its just not possible to add the postgres server on the Vista
box... through the pgadmin client on my machine <br />:) .donno what i am missing again ..<br /><br />Settings for the
postgresserver on vista which i cross checked are as follows ... <br /><br />Firewall settings checked ...everything
fine,,,Postgres server is not blocked ... <br />postgresql.conf -------- listen_address = '*'<br />pg_hba.conf
-----(hostall all  <a href=""></a> trust) so that any system can connect remotely....<br /><br
/>Thanks,<br/>manoj <br /><br /> <br /><div class="gmail_quote">On Dec 10, 2007 5:22 PM, Dave Page <<a
href="mailto:dpage@postgresql.org">dpage@postgresql.org</a>>wrote: <br /><blockquote class="gmail_quote"
style="border-left:1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"><div
class="Ih2E3d">RaymondO'Donnell wrote:<br />> On 10/12/2007 11:41, manoj nair wrote: <br />><br />>>      
 Theerror message on the left most corner of PGAdmin<br />>> says..."Connection to database ...Failed" and the<br
/>>>add server form or dialog box pops up again.<br />>> there is nothing much happening other than this.
<br/>><br />> Yu should get a bit more than this....as an experiment, I stopped the<br />> PostgreSQL service
onmy laptop (WinXP) and tried to connect with<br />> pgAdmin - and a large window popped up quoting the error from
libpq<br />> ("could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is<br />> the server running on
host"<a href="" target="_blank"></a>" and accepting TCP/IP connections <br />> on port
5432?")and giving all sorts of useful advice.<br />><br />> Do you not see something like this?<br /><br
/></div>Oh,I see how that can happen (the do not show this hint again' box has<br />been checked). <br /><br />Under
File-> Options -> Preferences, check the 'Reset guru hints'<br />option, click OK, and then try connecting
again.<br/><br />Regards, Dave.<br /></blockquote></div><br /> 

Re: Unable to add server in PGadmin

Raymond O'Donnell
On 10/12/2007 13:29, manoj nair wrote:
> pg_hba.conf -----(host all all <> trust) so 
> that any system can connect remotely....

Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this *really* mean that any machine 
can connect?

Maybe try adding a specific line for the machine from which you're 
trying to connect?


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland