Обсуждение: connect/install problems


connect/install problems

I installed / uninstalled pgadmin 3 twice via synaptic, finally  grabbed 
the package via apt-get install pgadmin3.   Not hanging up now, but 
simply getting an authentication error in a pop up window:

an error has occured:

Error connecting to the server: FATAL: IDENT authentication
occured for user "myusername"

The same username/password gets me into the database just fine
via command line psql.

Via the dpkg command I see:
root@PhiLinux:/home/fractalvibes # dpkg -l pgadmin3
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: 
||/ Name           Version        Description
ii  pgadmin3       1.2.0-1        Graphical administration tool for 
root@PhiLinux:/home/fractalvibes #  

Not sure what kind of config problem I have here....???

Phil J.      

Re: connect/install problems

Alex Perry
> an error has occured:
> Error connecting to the server: FATAL: IDENT authentication
> occured for user "myusername"

That's because PSQL by default uses a unix socket and your previous
email showed you were using a network socket for PGADMIN.  Which is
fine, except that the latter has to use the IDENT network service
to figure out who you are.  If PSQL is working and PGADMIN is not,
I would suspect that you don't have a working identd running yet.

Either install one, egapt-get install pidentd
or tell pgadmin3 to use a unix socket (see list archives under my name).
If you're running Debian Stable, you need to use custom built .deb files.

Re: connect/install problems

Andreas Pflug
Alex Perry wrote:
>>an error has occured:
>>Error connecting to the server: FATAL: IDENT authentication
>>occured for user "myusername"
> That's because PSQL by default uses a unix socket and your previous
> email showed you were using a network socket for PGADMIN.  Which is
> fine, except that the latter has to use the IDENT network service
> to figure out who you are.  If PSQL is working and PGADMIN is not,
> I would suspect that you don't have a working identd running yet.
> Either install one, eg
>     apt-get install pidentd
> or tell pgadmin3 to use a unix socket (see list archives under my name).

Unix sockets are not supported in 1.2; will be in 1.4. Edit 
postgresql.conf to use md5 instead of ident solves this too.
