Обсуждение: Bug on Query edit (GPF)


Bug on Query edit (GPF)

"Maximiliano Di Rienzo"
To reproduce:
Tools -> QueryTool
In the query tool window press Ctrl - F (find)
Close the query tool window without closing the find dialog
The program crashes.
I'm using Windows 2000 Server SP 4
PgAdmin 1.2.0
Lic. Maximiliano Di Rienzo
IT Manager
M.P.: 2502 - MCP ID: 2725911
Tel.: 351 4283419 - Cel.: 351 155901603
Fulfill Technology S.A.
27 de Abril 402 - Edificio Sancor III - Piso 4 Of. A - Córdoba
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Re: Bug on Query edit (GPF)

Andreas Pflug
Maximiliano Di Rienzo wrote:
> To reproduce:
> Tools -> QueryTool
> In the query tool window press Ctrl - F (find)
> Close the query tool window without closing the find dialog
> The program crashes.

Fixed in CVS, thanks for reporting.
