Обсуждение: FW: IMPORTANT: Upcoming changes in IPs ...


FW: IMPORTANT: Upcoming changes in IPs ...

"Dave Page"
For info: This will affect the pgAdmin website and primary ftp site, as
well as the mailing lists. Snake and the CVS server will not be affected
as they are a few thousand miles away from Panama!

Regards, Dave

> We received word late last week that our co-lo facility in
> Panama is changing buildings (same block, new building), as
> well as changing network uplinks ...
> They are anticipating ~6hrs downtime on Saturday to move the
> hardware to the new server room, pending that we receive our
> new IPs on time ... we will be setting all the domain TTLs
> low so that by the time the servers come back up, DNS has
> timed out and will pick up the new IPs ...
> svr1.postgresql.org will be one of the first VMs to be coming
> up, as its currently sitting on the database server ... web
> related VMs will come up as quickly as we can get the
> appropriate IPs switched over ... we'll be spending the rest
> of this week laying down the framework for switching the IPs
> in the various VM config files, so that we have less to do on
> Saturday ...
> Will send out a note once we have a more definite time, but
> it will most likely be around 4pm GMT ...