Обсуждение: Re: Error Message


Re: Error Message

>> Hi Dave, 
>> I have an idea. 
>> In pgschema is to create a method to recive the keyword >reserved.
>> When load pgadmin2 set pgschema using the keyword >definited on ctx.AutoHighlight
>> In this way the user can add new keyword.
>> Do you think?
>Hmm, I see what you mean, however in theory pgSchema should >never depend on part of pgAdmin. The idea was always that
it>would standalone if required.
>I suppose it could be a property of the server object that >pgAdmin could set at startup (from ctx.Autohighlight).
>Regards, Dave. 

Hi Dave, 

it is true the pgschema must be independent.
My idea is use the keyword defined in the ctx.Autohighlight
to load in the property or Collection of pgschema on start pgadmin2.
If You use the pgschema in independent mode, You add keyword manually.

do you think?

Bye !!
Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!

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