Обсуждение: RE: Error Message


RE: Error Message

Hi Dave,

>>Insert your comment: 
>>The above error is generated by clicking the 'view' toolbar button on a table of mine called user. I can >>get the
sameerror using the SQL winodow...
>>In the SQL window:
>>select * from user
>>gives the error, but
>>select * from "user"
>>works okay. 

>The problem is that user is a reserved word because it is part of the SQL syntax. It's usually best to >avoid reserved
wordsfor object names, though I appreciate that's not always easy, or what you want.
>Frank: It seems to me that the best solution might be to maintain a list of reserved words and add a >check in fmtID
tomake sure the word is not in the list. What do you think?
>Regards, Dave 

In fmtID why do not escape always ?

Public Function fmtID(ByVal szData As String) As String
On Error Resume Next

  'Replace double quotes
  szData = Replace(szData, QUOTE, QUOTE & QUOTE)
  szData = QUOTE & szData & QUOTE
  fmtID = szData

End Function

What do you think?

Bye !!
Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!

       /\_ _/\
       \ o o /

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